ALT+E not working?

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I'm working through Ari Daneshs' first steps tutorials, and in video 3 he opens up the “Open Editor” with Alt+E.

This hotkey doesn't work for me however.

In this tutorial he's working on a file SOP expression, opening up the editor with ALT+E; And if I right click on the text box of “Geometry File” of the file SOP I can find the editor and bring it up under “Expression” from the list from right clicking. So getting the editor up is not a problem.

However, I can't get it through ALT+E.

When I open the Hotkey Manager it lists “Open Editor” as having ALT+E assigned to it.

So this seems like a bug, but I don't want to report it in the bugs section because I am still relatively a very new user of Houdini and it's possible there is something I am not doing right or understanding.

Any feedback on this issue is appreciated.

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On OSX, it is not ALT-E but CMD-E instead. ALT-E just makes the expression back tick symbol appear in the text field.

What OS are you using?

Try CTRL-E, maybe that is it?
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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I'm using windows…thanks for the suggestion though.
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