Image accumulation using comp ops.

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Hey everyone!

I've got the following issue: the task it pretty straightforward , i've got a sequence of images that i'd like to accumulate ( Max comp mode basically ) , so i've made one file node reading initial sequence , another reading previous frame accumulation result and finally rop node writing this frame operation to accumulated images sequence.As simple as that []

Initial sequence file name pattern : $F.png
Accumulated sequence file name pattern : acc_`$F-1`.png
This frame accumulated image pattern : acc_$F.png

So it should work, i've no idea what's wrong ( but i'm sure it's my ignorance not Houdini's ) Eventually i've got just initial sequence frames copied as if no cop was used at all…So if anyone has an idea…will be hugely appreciated!


P.S : i've got the scene attached, just in case^^)

ImageAccumulation.hiplc (41.8 KB)

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Alright…seems that cops aren't that popular nowadays
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Click the “Reload all Files” button in the Composite Output ROP (bottom of Composite tab), otherwise it'll use a cached version of the file for $F.
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Wow thx , will give it a try !
Edited: Well , unfortunately it didn't help either, even with a flag set Houdini kept writing result as a copy of current frame withough any COP being made , and if i manually reload accumulated sequence , it just crashed…alright i think i'll make it in other image processing tool Thanks for help anyway !
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Heh , me stupid…found a simple workaround One constant file is being used for storing accumulated values, and a separate frame-realted file is saved in the same rop with an Auxailiary output with a $F expression.
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Hello !
I know this thread is quite old in fact, but I'm having right now the exact same problem that you had !! Chances are, you no longer have the hip file... But, would you mind maybe explaining a bit further how you managed to accumulate images that way??
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