Crowd not transitioning to proper animation

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Hey All,

I'm trying to setup houdini crowd. I'm not sure what's causing the clips to not load when the trigger switches the state. It looks like the transitions are working but the proper animated mesh is not being loaded.

Here's a youtube link: []

You'll see the agents will just slide when it transitions out of the “walk” state. When the sim transitions back to walking then it works again.

houdini_crowd_test.hip (696.7 KB)

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Your agents only have a walk clip (you can see this by looking at the ‘agentclipcatalog’ primitive intrinsic in the geometry spreadsheet). The Agent SOP is loading all of the clips matching ${HIP}/agents/walk/*.bclip, which is only a single clip in your case.

You probably want to set the Agent Name parameter to the same value (e.g. ‘mocapbiped2’) on each Agent ROP so that the clips are all in the same directory. Then, adjust the Agent Name parameter on the Agent SOP to load the agent definition from that directory.
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Great. Thanks a lot. I got this working now
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