How many people know every aspect of Houdini?

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Obviously most Houdini users are particles and dynamics experts. Anyone know every apect of all operations? I'm refering to modeling, lighting and rendering, animation and characters, particles and dynamics, compositing etc. Just curious if there are people who are that knowledgable.
Procedurally challenged
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I'm working since more than 10 years with houdini / prisms ( starting with version 4 ) and after that time it is still not possible to know ALL features of the software.
but it is more importend to know how you can fullfill all the wishes of a client. A workaround for not so well known features is always possible…
Michael Fuchs -|- Owner Sparkling Design -|- Austria

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I think that's part of this business. Anyone that suggests they know “all” aspects of any advanced piece of software like Houdini isn't being honest. One of the reasons this job is so satisfying is that it's dynamic - there's *always* more to learn. Forget the software - just the job alone drives you to implement things in ways that weren't necessarily intended by the developers.

I read with some trepidation many resumes over recent years that proudly claim after 3 years of playing with software in their parent's basement and 6 months of a course at a community college, they “know” Houdini, Maya, XSI, Photoshop, 3DEqualizer…ad nauseum. That doesn't impress anyone that knows what they're talking about.


John Coldrick
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3 or 4 years ago, out of my foolishness and being an inexperience young lad, I wanted to learn as much as I can about Houdini in general. But during the last 2 years, I seemed to be weening off a bit and prefered that I go back and learn the foundation instead… One thing I've learned in the past year or so is that it's not how much of Houdini I know but the tricks and techniques involved to solve a problem. This is an area of production which I am constantly learning from experienced people and will continue to learn.
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