Edit Edge Loop Selection?

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Trying to select the edges of a Cookie'd boolean for rounding/beveling. Using A+MMB to select edge loop but it over shoots, and cuts some corners. Unable to deselect edges from the loop selection! ctr clicking the edges does nothing.

How do you deselect individual edges from a A+MMB selected edge loop?

(the blue arrow points to one of the edges I would like to delete from selection but cannot)
Edited by Rebus B - July 22, 2016 16:32:58

H_loopGrab_marked.PNG (225.4 KB)

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Left Click on an edge using one of these modifier keys.

CTRL-LMB will remove from selection, you should see the minus symbol with the mouse pointer when you hold down the CTRL key.
SHIFT-LMB will add to the selection, you should see the plus symbol with the mouse pointer when you hold down the SHIFT key.
Edited by Enivob - July 22, 2016 19:23:45
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
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Well that is what I thought and it does indeed make the edge red and the minus sign shows up but those edges still stay selected after the click. Just tried it on one of the other edges (those in the middle of the loop select) and it deselects as expected. Strangely the edges I need to lose are not deselecting!

Maybe I am using the wrong tools… I will attach the file.
Just trying to figure out the modelling tools, want to round the edges where a boolean operation took place.
Edited by Rebus B - July 22, 2016 19:48:30

practice_00003.hipnc (98.3 KB)

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You are using the tools correctly.

I think it is some kind of math error in the selection code. What I did is simply drop down a transform after the torus and rotate it a bit along the Y-AXIS. I think this causes the points to appear in a slightly different place which causes the loop selection to work correctly after that. I bet there is some built-in tolerance in the loop selection code.

If you are trying to make some kind of matched topology between the cube and the torus you may want to set their ROW/COLUMNS and Division counts equal.

Edited by Enivob - July 23, 2016 09:56:21

Untitled-1.jpg (174.0 KB)

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