Problem Rendering Multiple Output Nodes With Takes

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Hi all,

I'm trying to render to several outputs at the same time, and perform multiple takes on those outputs. In the example scene shows more clearly what I mean, I have two sub-takes (each shows a different primitive), and a Wedge node that is set to render both of these takes. In the /out you will see a Wren node plugged into a Mantra node, the idea being that if I set the Wedge node to render using the Mantra node as an output driver, the Wren node that is connected into it should also render. But it renders using the wrong take. If you open the attached file and click on ‘Render Wedges’ of the /out/wedge1 node it should render the Wren node, then the Mantra node to MPlay. You can see that the Wren node always renders the same output.

I see in the documentation there are instructions on how to wire up multiple nodes to make them all render in sequence, but this doesn't seem to work at all where takes are concerned. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Wedge.hipnc (179.0 KB)

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Hi, your really over thinking this and making it for more complex than it needs to be. You have no wedge values for either take. If you want to use takes , just add another mantra ROP and set to your take 2 , chain your mantra rops and hit render , making sure you define a path to a file.

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Hi Rob,
Hi, your really over thinking this and making it for more complex than it needs to be. You have no wedge values for either take.
If you go to Windows > Take List you can see take1 and take2 change the value of the switch.
If you want to use takes , just add another mantra ROP and set to your take 2 , chain your mantra rops and hit render , making sure you define a path to a file.


This is just a simple setup. For my actual scene I have many takes (nearing 100), and several wren nodes and a mantra node.
In any case, the setup doesn't seem to work when it should. I'm trying to ascertain if this is a bug - I'm pretty sure it is
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Hi , it works if you use 2 wedge rops. Merge rops are not supported and make a few adjustments to the rops , ie set a file path , set the take to current.

The wedge ROP is pretty outdated now and in dire need of an update ie for farm rendering.


rse_Wedge.hipnc (215.9 KB)

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Thanks Rob,
I shall submit a bug report, as I think the simple hip file should work. However, in the meantime I can try writing the geo to disk first to see if that will help automate the process. Thanks for the tip
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There is no bug,its just the way the wedge rop works, it was written way back for Houdini 9.5. Writing geometry to disk is not the issue. You can always peel open the wedge rop and do a bit of a re-write. Or like I mentioned in my first reply, revise your approach.

Edited by circusmonkey - Jan. 1, 2017 18:25:06
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There is no bug,its just the way the wedge rop works, it was written way back for Houdini 9.5. Writing geometry to disk is not the issue.
I may still submit it so they can decide if it's WAD or needs some polish. I originally had my take setup as a nested tree structure, but takes couldn't be run recursively.
You can always peel open the wedge rop and do a bit of a re-write.
That may be an interesting exercise, but time is my enemy here - I've not been using Houdini that long, and writing Python for it for an even shorter amount of time
Or like I mentioned in my first reply, revise your approach.
Copying ~100 nodes? It does seems somewhat un-Houdini in approach, unless I'm misunderstanding
Edited by Anti-Distinctlyminty - Jan. 2, 2017 05:10:31
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