Ocean Spectrum Custom Combed directions

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Hi I am trying to understand why i am not able to replace the direction parameter with a custom velocity vector field

So inside oceanspectrum there is a volumevop calc_amplitude_for_normalize, which has a link to Direction, inside that vop

winddir value is converted into a radian and the resulting x,z vector values get fed into Philips Spectrum

So I assumed, I could override the last node that is windvector with a custom vector volume to have curved motion or something similar, but it does not seem to work.
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The only built-in support for control over local wave direction relies on “Wave Instancing”, which copies patches of ocean onto oriented points. So you can orient those points whichever direction you want, and waves from the instanced ocean patches will point in that direction (as much as they do given their spectrum settings). I went through that a bit in the Oceans Masterclass; in the attached example file from the class, it would be the “instance along curve” and “instance along radial points” examples (inputs 6 or 7 to the switch1 SOP, respectively).

Is that sufficient or did you have something else in mind?

ocean_layer_examples.hip (1.4 MB)

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Hi John, I'm going to take a look at this file tomorrow, I watched the master class video tonight, but I am wondering what point settings had to be done for the spiral ocean example from the demo. It seems that you've got examples of 2d deformation follow path stuff on a flat XZ plane, but nothing 3d like in the spiral. I've been playing around with the new Ocean Spectrum node and trying to figure out how to use normal and/or rot per point values to properly follow a 3d path on a surface. Can you shed some light on how that is done, I have yet to get the rot value figured out to orient properly based on the point normal (transferred from surface), and the direction down a path I want the waves to travel, with the scattered points.

Can the new ocean waves node do the same rotation tricks? if you override the rot value, can I get it to displace in the direction of the surface normal transferred to the curve/points ?

any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Ah, I figured it out, after watching the video, I took a look at the params again in the help card. so to bend in 3d you need to define N as the direction the wave “moves” and then also define “up” which will orient the displacement in this case toward the original geometry normal of the surface. Works like a charm!

thanks for these tools!

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thanks guys, question was for 15.5, but o got it sorted out with 16 with instancing
Head of CG @ MPC
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