wireframe color change

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Two questions:

First: is there is a way to change a wireframe/wireframe on shaded color from yellow to something else. I didn't find a way in main prefs and colors settings. It's a bit painfull for my eyes

Second one is how to center a pivot of an object. in help I found this:
To set an object's pivot point in the viewport-Do this–>TBD
and I don't know what does it mean :?
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I think you right mouse click on the center of the handle. When the menu comes up check the piviot mode, almost in the middle of the menu. Handle changes look and you can change pivot location then go back and uncheck the pivot box.
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For the first question, you can modify 3DSceneColors.bw (for the default light on dark scheme) or 3DSceneColors.wb (for the dark on light scheme). It's in the $HFS/houdini/config directory where $HFS is where you installed houdini. For objects, the colour is dictated by the line that starts with ObjectSelectColor: (and ObjectCurrentColor. The three numbers that follow it is the RGB colour values (respectively). For selecting in SOPs, it's dictated by the individual SelectedPrimColor, SelectedPointColor, etc. lines.
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heh. thanks for answers, specially for the second tip…
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