GoZ to ZBrush 2018

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I just tried the GoZ hda but without succes. Most likely because I'm using 2018. :-)
Is a 2018 version available or in the works?
Or could it be I'm just doing something wrong?



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Hey Rudi,

I just tested it over here and it's working with Zbrush 2018. Are you failing to send data to Zbrush or to Houdini?
Luiz Kruel
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To ZBrush, it does start, but crashes as soon as its started, no messages.
I do have a FL version that i get over a vpn, but i doubt this is related.
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Hmmm, what kind of geometry are you sending? Can you try sending the pig head sample object and see if it'll still crash?

And which version of Houdini are you using, and I'm assuming you have a fairly recent version of the GoZ Plugin
Luiz Kruel
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It was the pighead i was trying to send. I was on 473 but i'll try the 496 now.
Will let you know.

Nope, no luck.
I noticed i had an old version of ZB installed still, but removed it so there is only 2018 left. Tried with 16.5.496 and the GOZ hda that i got from the dropbox just 5 minutes ago: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cibtavd9hm0686u/goz_installer16_5.hda?dl=0 [www.dropbox.com]

ZB does start, but it crashes instantly, before you can even see it tries to put anything on the canvas.

Needless to say ZB works fine, importing the pighead through a .obj that i saved from Houdini works as expected.
Edited by RudiNieuwenhuis - June 15, 2018 02:57:54
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same problem with zbrush 2020
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I have had this same problem with Houdini 18 and Zbrush 2020.

Zbrush screen pops up and then just goes away.
anyone have a solution?
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