How to make the dynamics of an element contact attractor objects Houdini?

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Good day everyone! I will begin to learn the basics of Houdini. Only I mainly use Cinema 4D. and now I decided to move to Houdini, so it became interesting to me and try to study. But one questions I ask you, how to make the dynamics of the elements contact the attractor objects? If you do not understand what I wrote. Then let's look at the video file here and show how to do it if you can do the same in Houdini like this one.
I hope that you will help to do and I will thank you!
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First, you didn't link the video that you mentioned. Second, I'd suggest learning some major basics before trying to accomplish anything. This website has some beginners tutorials that should help you get started. Third, post hip files of your attempts if you have questions. Your question is WAY too general to get any substantial feedback.
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Thanks for the quick reply, sorry I forgot to send the file, now I will send the video.

CINEMA 4D - attractor.mp4 (11.6 MB)

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I've made an attractor force before, and I can tell you how to do it, but again I'd suggest going through basic tutorials, generating a scene file, getting as close as you can, then posting here. If you do that, and post it, I can probably get you close to what you want. As a brief explanation, you can point the normals of one point at another point by subtracting the position of the second object from the first and plugging that result into the normals. See the attached hip demonstrating this. What you want is to be constantly updating the direction of the normals inside of a popnet to point at the attractor object.

Point_normals_01.hip (88.8 KB)

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