PolyBevel 3:0 issues and seggestions.

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Let me start by saying that I am super happy that so much work has been put into rebuilding PolyBevel.
The results are amazing and it comes with great options. Definitely an upgrade from the previous version.
Love the scroll action to go from flat to round effortlessly.

I do have some issues though, and I would like to find out if other people are experiencing the same.

1. I am not able to bevel in the viewport once I drop down the tool. For some reason, I have to open any other window, or minimize/maximize Houdini to get it to work. Almost as if it gets stuck in a state.

2. The Bevel amount should always be equal to the mouse drag amount. I keep fighting with Shift setting the correct amount before I can get a proper bevel. This is really annoying and should not happen with any viewport centric tool. Shift could be used for Maximum Normal Angle.

3. The previous version of PolyBevel kept the selection active, to be used with other tools like PolyExtrude.

4. I do not want to use the parameter interface to switch on/of to reach the Exclusions menu items. This should be possible in the viewport. I suggest that Shift + drag should replace Bevel amount with Exclusions Maximum Normal Angle slider.

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions?
Video, showing my concerns.
Edited by Werner Ziemerink - Jan. 14, 2020 01:19:49

PBevel_issues.mp4 (1.3 MB)

Werner Ziemerink
Head of 3D
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