mutate scene graph procedurally?

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Other than using the stagemanager node is there a way of renaming a primitive/scene graph path? Like via a wrangle? or is there a node that lets you target a path and modify the name?

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Joined: Sept. 2011
It's not possible to rename/delete a prim once created in USD.

The stage manager gets around this by creating a new stage and copying the primspecs from the old stage to the new one under different names. It has the draw back of flatting the layers that made up the stage though. For example if a large stage had been sublayered in, all of that data will be duplicated on output as a single new layer.
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Is there a way of manipulating the namespace on import? Some sort of callback that would allow you to make programatic changes?
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Joined: Sept. 2011
Is there a way of manipulating the namespace on import? Some sort of callback that would allow you to make programatic changes?

The alembic import node is just a python object. It is fairly trivial to make a new hda with the alembic archive as a starting point and change the logic used for naming.

The problem is export. I'm not sure if there's a way to recover the namespace when exporting.
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