Crashes when using in screen handles. OSX

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Hi all,

Houdini crashes for me really often when using on screen handles. If I open a scene add a box and edit the bevel it will immediately crash. This also happens with a lot of the other SOP nodes. Poly extrude is a bad one, even snap will crash half the time. Then I open it back up and it’ll work. I’m just finding that I’m having to restart continuously throughout modelling session and it’s really slowing me down

Just wondering if anyone else gets this? I’m on Big Sur now but it was just as bad in the Catalina.

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On a long shot, try sending in your crash logs from these crashes into support anyways, describing a much as possible the steps you were doing leading up to it. Even your hip file. Macs tend to have more problems with the graphics driver,
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Thanks Edward. I have sent scenes to support but not crash logs. Just wondering how do I get them? I’ll send them through for sure whatever helps.
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When it crashes, it should have a pop up that says where the crash logs are saved. On macOS, I think it will be in /tmp/houdini_temp/crash*.txt. Look for the one that has the latest date time stamps.
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What version are you using?
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Okay great, I’ll do that.
It’s strange though, I can animate all day without a problem. There’s a lot of viewport manipulation there. For some reason though, the poly modelling viewport stuff tends to break things.
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I’m seeing this in 18.5 but it had been happening in 18 also.
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You need to provide the actual build version if you're expecting real help. More specific details the better, including OS version, system specs, etc. and ideally a .hip file that is crashing for you so that I can launch it on my machine and confirm that the issue persists or if it's isolated to your computer.

Otherwise you're just posting the equivalent of “My car crashes whenever I turn right” which is not particularly helpful for us to help you with.

Also, to answer your question in the original post – No, I'm not running into any crashes as you describe. Everything works as expected. I'm running the latest Catalina and Houdini 18.5.393 at the moment (because the 18.5 Production build is garbage).
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