using a Voronoise VOP only on certain points

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Hi, sorry for the crazy title. I'm trying to prep an object to be used in an RBD fract. obj or glue obj. DOP. I've found 2 different paradigms for doing this. One uses a VOP that inputs global pos. into position of a voronoise op which outputs the near2 value into the output op. This jitters the geo really nicely but distorts the edges of the grid/box, etc.
I'm trying to have the voronoise VOP only affect inner points of my grid so the border stays nice and clean. I created a group sop and set the voro vop to use only that group. Works great except it moves the points around so much that the points omitted from my group are left in the center. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Should I translate the omitted points outward? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I also tried using a neat trick from 3D world (last issue) that creates pieces of geo from a grid using a point sop, paint sop, divide sop, connectivity and partition sops. Works great but how can I apply to this to a box or other object (rather than a grid)? Should I be partitioning each side of the box first and then running the above procedure on each one?

Sorry for the long rambling post.
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Ummm, that's alot of questions all at once.
As for your keep static points, you have the right idea. there are many ways to go about it, but the most logical seems to be put those points in a group, run the noise normaly, after that use a point sop and connect the noise grid to the left and the pre noise grid to the right, put the group name in and change the position channel to read $TX2 $TY2 $TZ2, then lay down transform sop and again the name of your group, $CEX $CEY $CEZ for the pivot and scale to the correct value.
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thanks. This gave me somewhere to start. With some more tweaking I might get this to work.
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