LIcense problem in fedora 7

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ok i changed it from: localhost.localdomain localhost twLaptop1.twLaptop1 twLaptop1

to localhost.localdomain twLaptop1 localhost twLaptop1.twLaptop1 twLaptop1

gonna try and reboot again
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ahhh no luck… still doesn't work after reboot
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just found this: []

gonna have a play around…
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still having no luck with this - anyone got anymore suggestions?
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I'm not convinced that you need to specify the static IP address (unless you really have one, which I doubt).

Try just having the first line, and then return and check out your license again. Other than that, I'm stumped.
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ok my /etc/hosts file looks like this:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain twLaptop1 localhost

I wiped my licenses file, plugged in my ethernet cable and rebooted then ran houdini, and installed the non commercial license. It worked and my diagnostic output looked like this:

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Tue Oct 9 19:49:55 2007
Local host name: twlaptop1
Local server code: db074900
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: twlaptop1 (localhost.localdomain)
License server server code: db074900
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 9.0.725
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
twLaptop1 db074900 no - -
License Administrator version: 9.0.725
Http proxy host: (none)
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
a3bd383e Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0 0/1 06-nov-2007
+.+.+.+ twLaptop1 (license known to: twlaptop1)
=== All licenses are in use ===
6931b0b2 Generic Render-NonCommercial 9.0 1/1 06-nov-2007
+.+.+.+ twLaptop1 (license known to: twlaptop1)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER twlaptop1 ——–
Lic a3bd383e: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0” Generic 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1
36865 by localhost.localdomain Oct 09 19:48

Lic 6931b0b2: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 9.0” Generic 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1
1 licenses free

Serv twLaptop1 db074900
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: twlaptop1
Uptime: 0:02:22
License Server: twlaptop1
Server Version: sesinetd9.0.725
Version: Houdini9.0.725
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

198 of 882 Mb available
CPU Usage: 9% load
0 active tasks (2 slots)

licenses file:

# Key installed 19:48:18 10/09/07
SERVER twLaptop1 db074900 a60b591bcaca6a75d57cb426be88371c79798e94195182

# Key installed 19:48:19 10/09/07
LICENSE Generic Render-NonCommercial 9.0 1 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1 \
6931b0b2 OICTi6jolvMR28WtZxMWMgV3nWeK8weCB+sMwT+WadkUr2hoksnA9+1

# Key installed 19:48:21 10/09/07
LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0 1 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ \
twLaptop1 a3bd383e \

I unplugged the ethernet cable and rebooted and then houdini wasn't working and my diagnostic output looked like this:

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Tue Oct 9 19:53:44 2007
Local host name: twlaptop1
Local server code: 00000000
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: twlaptop1 (localhost.localdomain)
License server server code: 00000000
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: No
License server version: 9.0.725
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
twLaptop1 db074900 no - -
License Administrator version: 9.0.725
Http proxy host: (none)
Can retrieve [] No (ERROR: Could not connect to
(Are you connected to the internet? Do you
need to set an http proxy?))

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
a3bd383e Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0 0/0 06-nov-2007
+.+.+.+ twLaptop1 (license known to: twlaptop1)
6931b0b2 Generic Render-NonCommercial 9.0 0/0 06-nov-2007
+.+.+.+ twLaptop1 (license known to: twlaptop1)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER twlaptop1 ——–

*** WARNING *** - No valid server lines found

Lic a3bd383e: 0 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0” Generic 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1

Lic 6931b0b2: 0 “Render-NonCommercial 9.0” Generic 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1

Serv twLaptop1 db074900
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: twlaptop1
Uptime: 0:00:22
License Server: twlaptop1
Server Version: sesinetd9.0.725
Version: Houdini9.0.725
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

367 of 882 Mb available
CPU Usage: 0% load
0 active tasks (2 slots)

licenses file:

# Key installed 19:48:18 10/09/07
SERVER twLaptop1 db074900 a60b591bcaca6a75d57cb426be88371c79798e94195182

# Key installed 19:48:19 10/09/07
LICENSE Generic Render-NonCommercial 9.0 1 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ twLaptop1 \
6931b0b2 OICTi6jolvMR28WtZxMWMgV3nWeK8weCB+sMwT+WadkUr2hoksnA9+1

# Key installed 19:48:21 10/09/07
LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 9.0 1 06-nov-2007 +.+.+.+ \
twLaptop1 a3bd383e \

anyone have any suggestions?
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Joined: Jan. 2006
i'm just gonna have to clear the licenses file and create a new server license everytime i want to use houdini - its not great - but it'll do for now!
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