"Rendering Voxels" help

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Houdini 9.5.190 on Linux

I've been trying to replicate the results in the “Rendering Voxels” segment in the “Introduction to Fluid Dynamics” tutorials and am having some dificulties.

Following the tutorial steps I get…

http://www.afcg.com/sesi_forum/smok_test_1.jpg [afcg.com]
Teapot on grid after adding the IsoOffset Sop with the output type set to “Fog Volume”.

http://www.afcg.com/sesi_forum/smok_test_2.jpg [afcg.com]
First render before applying any materials.

http://www.afcg.com/sesi_forum/smok_test_3.jpg [afcg.com]
Second render after applying the “billowy_smoke” volume material with settings as indicated in the tutorial.

From these images… is there something obviously wrong?
Any known bugs?
System issues?

Thank you for any input.

Attached hip file made from default houdini & following the short steps in the tutorial.
Edited by - Sept. 9, 2008 18:27:21

smok_test.hip.gz (46.6 KB)

Floyd Gillis
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Could you post your scene?
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Looks like it was a problem with h9.5.190 on linux… found a mention of this in the journals.

Upgraded to new version and it's working now.
Floyd Gillis
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