Sprite Attribute Override

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Hi there,

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or just it doesn't work.

I have some sprites, and one material with a constant shader and the geometry shader (geo_sprite) inside.

If I use the material field in the object, pointing to my material it works perfect. But if I put the material in a material SOP it doesn't work, why?!

I just wanna use an attribute override, any guest?!

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If you are doing an override of something in a multi-component material (for example, a material with surface and displacement shaders, or a surface and geometry shader like your case), the way I have gotten this to work is to promote the parameters up to the material node (right-click on the material ‘Promote Material Parameters’) and then point your material SOP at the material. Then override away…

Also make sure to turn on the ‘Overrides use local variables’ toggle if you want something like $PR to evaluate correctly.
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Yep, that's the theory, and it works great, normaly

But NOT with sprites, it seems that it doesn't detect the geo_shader, because mantra render spheres instead sprites.

Bug ? !
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Apply material at “object” level…then use “Attribute” parameter
of “Sprite proceduaral” to override some material properties….with some
point attribute (with the same name and type) assigned at sop level with
“Attribute create sop”.
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i've been having a few problem with this to, using the Material SOP with overrides, i eventually figured it out, sotra..

if your overriding a map for example, you need to add that attribute to your sprite procedural.
so material SOP override a map, gives you this: vopsurface1_map add this to your procedural and it should work, hopefully

hope that helps a bit

actually, i do find this work-flow a bit confusing and all over the place, i'm pretty used to setting up material SOP overrides with delayed reads, now change this to sprites and it works in a different way, can't help but thinking that the work-flow should be a lot more similar?

at the moment i'm using simple grids as delayed reads for a job, rather than sprites

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Take a look at this example.
http://www.sidefx.com/exchange/info.php?fileid=590&versionid=590 [sidefx.com]
I use Python sop to assign point attribute
to override material`s “file” parameter.
It can be done with Attribute Create SOP also…

>>>…but thinking that the work-flow should be a lot more similar?

Totally agree with jason|slab !
This should be normalized in the future
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