Houdini Apprentice Installation issue in Ubuntu.

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I'm a new linux user (well I should not count myself as one..I CANT simply install things here!!)
I just downloaded Houdini Apprentice, linux version (64bit)
I was able to install it….well sort of..
Why I say ‘sort of’ is because on the terminal it says Houdini installed..blah blah..
But I cant see it in applications or using synaptic manager.
So i tried unistalling it by double clicking on the houdini.uninstall file in my opt/hfs9.5.379 directory to run it in terminal (since I'm not well versed with linux, I still havenot gotten used to using terminal ) and this is the erro I'm getting in terminal:

Removing desktop files…
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
Press Enter to finish.

any ideas??
(BTW my home and opt are in the same location, i.e. drive….if that's the reason?? )

PS: currently running Ubuntu 8.10
Houdini 9.5.379 (64Bit)
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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I don't know why you can't see icons in Application menu, but besides that it's much better (onces you get familiar with linux) to use terminal/shell to execute Houdini and related applications (like mplay, gplay etc). Here you have a short explanation of the simplest and most common setup (second part of my post) Maybe this will help:
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=14289 [sidefx.com]

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hey thanks SYmek..
I understood the installation part..
even I dunno why I cant see option for houdini in application….I cant even find it with Synaptic Package Manager!!

I tried uninstalling hoping that a reinstall might iron out the problems but when I uninstall it I get an error in terminal:

Removing desktop files…
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
Press Enter to finish.

How do I uninstall it now??
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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hey thanks SYmek..
I understood the installation part..
even I dunno why I cant see option for houdini in application….I cant even find it with Synaptic Package Manager!!

you won't see it in Synaptic, because Houdini is not distributes as a *.deb package. It is a simple script that puts all files on place.

I tried uninstalling hoping that a reinstall might iron out the problems but when I uninstall it I get an error in terminal:

Removing desktop files…
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
Press Enter to finish.
Are you double clicking on a uninstall script? You could try like this (in Terminal):

cd /opt/hfsx.x.xx/
sudo ./houdini.uninstall

How do I uninstall it now??

After all you can delete files manually from /opt/hfsx.x.xxx and $HOME/.local/share/applications ( I suppose).

Only thing that will remain in a system is a license server. You should worried about it.
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hey thanks SYmek..
I tried it through the terminal but got the same error..
When you say I can remove files manually but not the license server..
will it mess with my next Houdini installation??

I found the locations you mentioned and can delete them..but what about license server??

EDIT: there's no file related to Houdini in .local/share/applications
There's just a nuke file and mimeapps.list
(is this why I have things messed up here?)
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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hey thanks SYmek..
I tried it through the terminal but got the same error..
When you say I can remove files manually but not the license server..
will it mess with my next Houdini installation??
I found the locations you mentioned and can delete them..but what about license server??

Nope, all should be fine, just let Houdini install new license server on top of old one (just to be sure if your previous installation was for some reason busted).

Keep in mind that in general Houdini is designed to exist in multiply version on the same system.

EDIT: there's no file related to Houdini in .local/share/applications
There's just a nuke file and mimeapps.list
(is this why I have things messed up here?)

I don't think so. I don't have these files ether since I uncheck menu icons installation during setup.

hmm, maybe it put its shortcut to /usr/share/local/application? Not sure. Did you already try to “sudo ./houdini.uninstall” ?

After all it's really very simply. Except installation of license server, Houdini just puts things in place (/opt), and setup menus if you have chosen it in options.

If you can't proceed with houdini.uninstall script, delete hfsx.x.xxx manually, and do another installation. Should work.
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this is a bummer
SYmek I tried deleting the files manually but its showing an error:

Error removing file: Permission denied

(looks like i screwed up big time hehe)
I believe I should delete it using sudo in terminal??
if yes, then How??

sorry for pestering you with all these questions..and thanks a lot for all the help
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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Hi bhaveshpandey.
Yes you will either need to use sudo to delete those files or start the file manager with root permissions. In the terminal you would use the command:
sudo rm -rf /opt/hfs9.5.xxx
rm is the remove command. The r is the recursive option, meaning it will let you delete folders and the contents inside them, and the f means force, so it will not ask you for confirmation.

If you are just installing the same build there is no need to remove the hfs folder in /opt/, the install script will just overwrite everything. The license server stuff is in /usr/lib/sesi but there is no need to delete that either because the install script will stop the old license server, back it up, install the new one and start it for you.
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hey thanks guys..I have been successful in uninstalling things but I'm not able to install it again..
I managed to get this code from the terminal..which says there's some error while installing:

Installing: Houdini in /opt/hfs9.5.379
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
Installing apprentice license…
The Houdini 9.5.379 environment has been initialized.
/opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey: line 8: /opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey-bin: cannot execute binary file
/opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey: line 8: /opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey-bin: Success
Error installing apprentice license
Houdini install successful

EDIT: I only understood that something errores out while installing both Houdini as well as Apprentice license. but why?? what does this error mean?? any particular reason?
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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ahhrrrgggg!!! I have my exams starting from day after tommorw..so wont be able to chech up on this thread..Will come back on 16th april..
Thanks to everyone for help..
back to study :shock:
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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Installing: Houdini in /opt/hfs9.5.379
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
/opt/hfs9.5.379/python/bin/python2.5-bin: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)
Installing apprentice license…
The Houdini 9.5.379 environment has been initialized.
/opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey: line 8: /opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey-bin: cannot execute binary file
/opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey: line 8: /opt/hfs9.5.379/bin/hkey-bin: Success
Error installing apprentice license
Houdini install successful

I have exactly the same problem. Plz, how can I solve it ?

im installing houdini as root in /opt/hfs10.0.295. In installation process i recive exactly same message from installator.

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What build of Houdini are you trying to install? (i.e. i686, x86-64, gcc version) Also, make sure that you are installing a Houdini build with the same bitness as your machine.

I once ran into the same “cannot execute binary file” error when I tried running a 64-bit application on a 32-bit machine.

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What build of Houdini are you trying to install? (i.e. i686, x86-64, gcc version) Also, make sure that you are installing a Houdini build with the same bitness as your machine.

I once ran into the same “cannot execute binary file” error when I tried running a 64-bit application on a 32-bit machine.


Yes ! Tnx for advise rvinluan.

im noob on linux and houdini.

for check version linux:

~$ uname -a

i686 GNU/Linux - 32 bit.
tnx again!
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