Problems installing Realflow plugin for H10 on Mac

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Something does not seem to be working with the installation. I get a realflow toolbar with no icons, when I click on one, for example I get “Cannot find the tool sop_rf_sd_import.” Doesn't seem like any of the sops are loading.

I have checked, and it looks like the files are on my hard drive (the icons, dsos, etc). They are installed in Users->Shared->houdini->10.0 in respective folders.

In a houdini shell, I did hconfig -ap:
Directories searched (in order) are:
1) “$HOME/houdini10.0”
2) “$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/10.0”
3) “/Users/Shared/houdini/10.0”
4) “$HIP/houdini”

Directories searched (in order) are:
1) “$HOME/houdini10.0/dso”
2) “/Users/Shared/houdini/10.0/dso”
3) “$HIP/houdini/dso”

Directories searched (in order) are:
1) “$HOME/houdini10.0”
2) “$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/10.0”
3) “/Users/Shared/houdini/10.0”
4) “$HIP/houdini”

Not sure where to go from here… I would really like some help getting this working.

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Ok, no response…

I'm working with the techdesk at NextLimit to help diagnose the problem. So, hopefully will have some kind of answer in the next few days.

Just out of curiosity, can anyone out there confirm that the RF plugin for Mac works with Apprentice 10.0.465?

OS 10.5.7
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Hi. Did you figure out what the problem was? I get the same strange behavior.
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Yes, actually I did figure out the problem.

I ended up upgrading to Snow Leopard and updating my version of XCode to the latest version. Seems there's something in the library that XCode installs that is necessary for the plugin to work.

Hope that helps!
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nope.. that didn't solve it. I suspect it has sth to do with HDK (which doesn't seem to work since it fails to compile the star_SOP) but I have to admit I am totally lost.

Thank you very much..

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The symptoms are those typical of the situation where all the shelf scripts are found and loaded but the plugin dso's (*.dylibs) backing the scripts are not.

If I remember right this is because RealFlow's plugins are tied to the wrong Houdini Minor Build number. The plugins look for the houdini environment at /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/10.0.463 even though they are advertised to be for .595.

If you open one of the RealFlow plugin dylibs at /Users/Shared/houdini/10.0/dso with a text editor like TextEdit you can see the path it looks for the Houdini environment in clear text (between all the binary gibberish - do a search for rpath or Houdini.framework/Versions if you can't make it out)

To fix this make a symlink in /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions called ‘10.0.463’ which points to Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/Current and the plugins should be loaded the next time you start Houdini.

See ‘man ln’ in the Terminal if you don't know how to make a symlink.
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Hello. Thank you for your reply. As you said the installer does locate my version of Houdini but installs everything EXCEPT the DSO's which after looking all around my hard drive are nowhere to be found. I will try to follow your instructions (even though I really have no idea how…). Thanks again.


EDIT ok. this is crazy. I could not do a symlink as I have no idea about this UNIX technical stuff (I know.. I should..) but I tried opening the dylibs (one at a time) with textEdit and changed the path in there to .595 and it seems to be working… the plugins have loaded..
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Enter in

sudo ln -shv “/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/Current” “/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/10.0.463”

This is all on one line and there is a space between “…/Current” and “/Library/…”.
Enter your admin password when prompted and press return.

If the following line is printed to the Terminal after you entered your admin pass, the symlink was created:

/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/10.0.463 -> /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/Current
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