copy to follow path

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if i have a curve (act as a path) then i want to copy/duplicate an object (ex : torus) along the path, but i want each of this copy will have its own orientation following the shape of the curve. what OP should i use?

kind like copy OP, but i want the orientation follow the path/curve and i want to control the number of copy- that will be distrubuted along the path.

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As far as I know this isn't as straightforward as it may seem. Here [] is my solution. Basically I take the curve and resample it so I can get a good approximation of the tangent to the curve by comparing the position of adjacent points. I do this by giving a Point SOP two inputs–the resampled curve, and the resampled curve resorted with a -1 offset using the Sort SOP. In the point SOP I add normals $TX2-$TX, etc, and then with the Copy SOP I make sure “Rotate to Normal” is checked.

This technique leaves something to be desired. The uv's are messed up and the surface isn't smooth. I don't know exacly what you're looking for but you might have better results with the Skin SOP and a 2D cross-section.

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instead of the “copy_sop” you can use “sweep_sop” :
use the “cross section” input for the geometrie , “backbone” for the curve.
the orientation of the copies should be ok.
Michael Fuchs -|- Owner Sparkling Design -|- Austria

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yes i used sweep before, but the problem : i cannot control the number of copy ,it's controlled by the number of cv of the path, so i have to change the number of cv everytime i want to add a copy and it's hard to distributed the cv manually accross the path/curve to get the same distance from each other.

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it's hard to distributed the cv manually accross the path/curve to get the same distance from each other.

just use the resample sop to add more points and distribute evenly…
Dave Quirus
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just use the resample sop to add more points and distribute evenly…
this is cool, thanx a lot.
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As far as I know this isn't as straightforward as it may seem. Here [] is my solution.

sorry, i tried to open this file , but i got a fatal error msg : segmentation fault.
probably different version? i use apprentice 6.1 fyi.

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