making instanced geometry collide with the ground

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I am kind of new to Houdini dynamics so not sure what's the correct workflow for what I need.. tried looking at the numerous tutorials on rigid body dynamics and all i see is a ball colliding with a ground plane… not very useful..
I have a bunch of instanced geometry objects that need to collide with the floor and bounce a bit. It's like a big object explodes into smaller copies of itself.
I have a popnet node with copy node that instances the geometry. then i used collide, but it does not take take into account that my geometry is not a point and it ends up being half-way sunken into the ground floor .
how could i take my popnet instanced geometry and turn it into a rigid body so it does a better calculation? Should I use RBD Point Object node instead of the popnet?
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Look at the popswithrbdcollision example file accessible from the Pop Object Dop node.

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Also, taken from my personal wiki. Hope this helps.


The way to have a fully interactive particle instances inside dop is to use the RBD Point Object. The particle system is needed only to create each instance over time but the rest is a regular RBD simulation.

1. Create a Pop network inside Sop
2. Append a Kill Pop after the emitter to avoid having more than one instance per particle
3. Append a Point Sop with the proper instance path. In the following example, 3 objects are randomly applied.
1. Ex: /obj/subnet1/box`int(rand($ID)*3)+1`
4. Click RBD Point Object on the shelf and select the object containing the Pop network
5. Write $F in the Creation Frame on the RBD Point Object. Don't write $FF because if you have let's say a substep of 3 than 3 objects will be created for each point.
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