soft radius manipulator inside of edit SOP?

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hi community!

i noticed the edit sop has a “soft radius” manipulator inside of the context sensitive manipulator list. however, even though i have it visible, i cannot see anything…

is anyone else experiencing this? it would be nice to get some feedback of the size of the soft radius (similar to how you see the brush circle when in brush mode) many times i mistakenly click in between points and end up drag selecting instead

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hi community!

i noticed the edit sop has a “soft radius” manipulator inside of the context sensitive manipulator list. however, even though i have it visible, i cannot see anything…


With “Edit SOP” selected, move your cursor to the viewport and hit “Enter”,
if that doesn't work.

There's always the “SoftTransform SOP” which i usually use.

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Thank you Eitht! Hitting enter brought out the edit manipulator, but I did notice I was able to adjust the radius using the middle mouse button…. that was cool!

The only problem is that it still does not give a visual feedback when doing it that way (unfortunately). Interestingly enough, the softTransform has a great visual feedback! however, it does not allow you to left click drag on the fly (you have to select your points, then move them).

Using the edit node in primitive mode is also great as you do not have to worry about selecting on an empty space! However, with primitives, soft selection does not work (only with edges and points)…. bummer!

May need to put an RFE on this one
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Ahhh barnacles! i wasn't aware there were such differences between the two, if that's the case - you have my support. :wink:

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just for fun ,

.. but hey , might be useful in some cases or give a couple of ideas .

note : inside the hip file are two ‘stickies’ which describe the usage for each case .

also , im not able to test the drop in performance ( in one of the cases ) since i built this file in a very modest laptop .


editSoftRadiusVizu.hipnc (214.5 KB)
Clipboard-1_editSoftRadius.png (72.2 KB)

except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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this is hands off, like total genius! thanks man! This pretty much covers the majority of what I was looking for

Just out of curiosity if you do not mind me picking your brain more… do you know if there is a way to get the sphere to follow the mouse pointer? I tried to do this using the mouse CHOP, but got stuck not being able to transform my channels into the 3D matrix

thanks again!
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glad my file helps you.

maybe the ‘cheap’ solution is easiest to use and doesn't affect the performance .
it can be easily stored also as a Sphere SOP preset .

I tried to do this using the mouse CHOP, but got stuck not being able to transform my channels into the 3D matrix
i must confess :
when i was at school and i was asked ' if i wanted to know what Matrix is .. ',
guess what ( ? ) . i chose the Blue pill .

except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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They both work quite well in my machine (64 bit) so I will probably go for the fancy solution . I will still submit the RFE as I noticed the soft transform SOP even has this functionality already!

Lol's on the matrix reference! XD
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Finally gotten a chance to look your file.
/thumbs up zarti, thanks for that!

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