Linux GUI problems

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Hi all.

I`m ask about some little Houdini 9 on Linux troubles.
1. For example - enter some new values in node parameter fields, then press “leftarrow” key (make some changes in expression or in values) and cursor do selection instead of simple moving backward. My solution now - is minimize then rise h9 window. After that cursor is properly “moving” backward.

2. I use wacom tablet and sometimes, when i just click on parameter field, it call channels editor window, instead of cursor placing for parameters editing.

Solution is minimize-rise main window..

What my linux prefences is wrong ? May be my xorg.conf need some adjust? On windows machine all clicks-selections work nice.
I think, this is not a bug.

May be this wrong X-server parameters?
Need advise..
- - -
This a not distributive or build problem.. Something other.
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It might be a good idea to post the contents of your xorg.conf file
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It might be a good idea to post the contents of your xorg.conf file

ok, but i mean about some specific for Houdini parameters of mouse click time, my xorg.conf is simple. Just wacom prefs and monitor overrides for my greatest videocard.

xorg.tar.gz (1.6 KB)

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It sounds like your Shift key is stuck down somehow (at least according to X). That would cause both of the situations you describe. Are you using an international keyboard setting?
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It sounds like your Shift key is stuck down somehow (at least according to X). That would cause both of the situations you describe. Are you using an international keyboard setting?

Yes. I use double-shift (shifts_toggle) key switch toggle (with this setting i have more freedom in applications hotkeys sequences)

Shift-s toggles is problem?
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Well, as the shift toggle appears to apply to mouse clicks as well as keystrokes, yes, it's the source of your problem. Many mouse clicks are Shift modified (especially those relating to selection). You'll have to remember to toggle Shift off when using the mouse in those circumstances, as there's no way for Houdini to determine that you're not holding down Shift.
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Big thanks you for feedback, twod

And so.. Any times when i press “Shift” key, i toggle some Houdini mode? I press “shift” any time when i need “*” “&” “^” and other expression symbols, and after that cursor is going in “select” mode. In WinXp i see another result. How i can walk around this trouble? Change keyboard settings\layout in xorg ?
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Wow great..

i exclude “shift” from keyboard layout settings, and all work without problems now.. But many years i was happy with “shifts_toggle” key option, and now i need to relearn

Hm. I think i can try tweak my desktop manager to ignore global “X” keyboard layout settings.
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