Where is the particle shape is?

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hi, everyone
I'm transfer Houdini particles to Maya by Houdini Engine, and try to render them
in the render farm, then the render farm analysis mentioned a warning tell me that the particle shape from my Houdini particles aren't exist:

but also the paths that analysis mentioned aren't really exist.

Then, here is another thing make me feel confused:

I can see the particle shape in Maya's panel.

How to deal with this problem?
Edited by kurosineko428 - 2021年3月11日 20:28:36

warning_message.png (15.8 KB)
maya_panel.png (32.8 KB)

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Does the render farm have Houdini and the Houdini Engine for Maya plugin installed? If not, the particles will not be generated.
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Joined: 7月 2020
Does the render farm have Houdini and the Houdini Engine for Maya plugin installed? If not, the particles will not be generated.

Yes, they does have.

Few hours ago, I got a mail from the render farm service personnel, they told me that my Houdini particles are exist, but they're seems too small in the scene. Then, I called to mind immediately I was minified particles' scale in Houdini, and enlarged them in Maya, Maybe that's the true reason why my particles didn't rendered.

At least, my problem was solved, but still thanks for your concerning.
Edited by kurosineko428 - 2021年3月13日 13:57:01
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