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Full Version: WIP - PolyHaven Asset Importer - PHAI - [Houdini Utility]
Root » SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2022 » WIP - PolyHaven Asset Importer - PHAI - [Houdini Utility]
Hello all,

First time competing in this contest. Pretty excited.

This is a WIP simple asset to import PolyHaven.com 3d models with textures for Karma XPU. (Models are available for free on this website) www.polyhaven.com

Select the model you want and the textures will be set automatically and material assigned. Just create an environment light, Karma render node and hit render.

The idea of this tool is to save time during lookdev instead of spending valuable time allocating textures. You can quickly place a number of assets in the node graph and setup a collection, creating a compelling shot.

This will be useful to all artists.

Here is the first demo.
Very cool indeed!
Finally managed to finish help doc
Finally managed to finish help doc

congrats for this. And no irony here.
That is the most boring and tiring part.
Finally managed to finish help doc

Very nice, importers are always tricky and documenting everything on top of that -- sweet
Asset now submitted

https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/87148/?page=1#post-378268 [www.sidefx.com]
Version 1.1 here, A little bugfix.

Version 1.2 here

Added a feature to change name of "Glass" component of Incoming model.

Cosmetic improvements.


Polyhaven Redshift version as well as Kitbash Karma and redshift versions are available here.

https://resilientpicture.gumroad.com/l/ascaa [resilientpicture.gumroad.com]
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