Jonathan Formosa

Jonathan Formosa

About Me

Hey folks I'm Jonathan, I'm an FX Artist in Glasgow Scotland :D I love all things Houdini, have been teaching myself from the age of 15. Currently I'm in 3rd year of university studying 3D animation. I'm lucky enough to be doing a mentorship with Axis Studios as a grow and develop my 3D skills!
Advertising / Motion Graphics  | Film/TV


Glasgow, United Kingdom

Houdini Engine

Motion Editing  | Hair & Fur  | Cloth  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | 説明
プロシージャルワークフロー  | Animation  | Solaris  | Mantra  | Karma  | Fluids  | VEX


Not Specified

Recent Forum Posts

IRON HEART WINNERS 2021年3月31日14:34

I can't beleave I maneged to get through all 31 days, it's been so fun and congratulations to all the winners!

Day 31 Image | Elements | Fire 2021年3月31日14:06

Final entery, this has been such a fun and inspiring contest I have learned so much and seen so much fantast work from other artists!

Day 30 Image | Elements | Water 2021年3月30日14:15

This is one of my favorite renders I have done, hope you enjoy it to!