Vu Pham


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VFX Artist
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Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

Fixed location store snap render in Render View 2024年3月26日19:06

Hi I wonder is there place like filecache path that can save the path to store these render snap took ? everything I get into render I have to make change then later open file again it be default.
It is Houdini 19.0.561

Can we bypass USD translate in Solaris to use with Karma ? 2024年2月26日2:09

So for quite a time with support and still wait for their reply.

I recently discovered that my version of Houdini initiates a recook every time, even when clicking into a non-cook node like file cache. This appears to be the root of the problem. Currently, I've had to disable simulations when not actively using them by clicking on the "brain icon." This behavior was not present in the previous version of Houdini that I had installed. It's possible that something went awry with the user configuration when transitioning from the previous version to the current one. Your assistance in resolving this matter is highly valued.

My Houdini is 20.0.547

Can we bypass USD translate in Solaris to use with Karma ? 2024年1月29日5:41

Yep I just meant that regardless of what mechanism you use to pull the data into solaris, you'll want to make sure that the usd representation is utilizing a pointinstancer, rather than individual instance prims. For example when using sop import, you'll want to select "Create Point Instancer" for packed primitives (assuming you're using packed primitives of course). The default is "Create Native Instances" which will likely not be performant for the quantity of pieces you've been mentioning.

I don't think there's any benefit to using a point instancer over create Xforms or Native instances when all of the pieces are unique. The most efficient way is more likely to import all the geometry as one mesh prim, (or a small number of different prims for material purposes) and use deforming geometry.
Yeah I did, "import sop" that what I do when working with Solaris ( 1 branch for rest to do material assign, then apply sub-layer to add next "import sop" which has animated transform rbd), other methods is what I digging into Solaris document and others while the scene is really slow (compare to SOP regular working)