Swikar Poudel


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Job situation for international artists 2023年10月26日23:14

OK, thanks

Job situation for international artists 2023年10月26日10:52

Hi everyone,

This is Swikar ( www.swikarp.com.np ) from rural country, Nepal. I am heavily passionate and dedicated toward learning houdini. I am just 18 years old and I have decided to do undergraduate in software engineering as I find myself enjoying technical part of houdini.

My question is :

1. Will vfx studio pay for visa fees and do legal processes to hire someone who is from rural country but has a enormous amount of knowledge in houdini.

2. I am really frustated now cause I have completed my high school in computer science , now I want to pursue my career in visual effects in top studios but I don't have capital to afford art and film schools ( for networking to get into big studios ).

3. Will I be able to switch into artistic part of production with technical degree ?

4. Also if someone knows, can I do diploma in Vancouver Film School or any other school after my graduation ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello guys what is the use of 3rd coordinate in uv attribute 2023年7月22日0:07

As uv attribute is texture coordinate assigned to each vertex . What is the point of 3rd coordinate in uv attribute ? Is it something like width or scale ? then how does that scale value works ? somebody help me out