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Changing Bit Depth for Baked Maps? Feb. 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.

Is there a way to change the Bit Depth for baked Maps?
"Simple baker" only outputs 8bit, "Maps baker" seems to output 32bit when changing the filetype to EXR...

I took a look inside the HDA but didn't find anything obvious...


ROP FBX export with hierarchy and animated null objects? Oct. 27, 2023, 12:19 p.m.

I had no luck with exporting animated FBX hierarchy on SOP level, but I thought I share my findings anyway.

In case some is looking to export geometry with hierarchy and oriented or custom pivots/nulls via ROP RBX, maybe this helps as a starting point.

ROP FBX export with hierarchy and animated null objects? Oct. 26, 2023, 2:24 p.m.

Thx viklc,

I also thought about that. But I am trying to avoid this because it's a huge load of cad data and I don't want to built the hierarchies manually.

Either there is something I don't know yet or the only way would be a python script to build it from sops.

But I have the feeling that it somehow should work on sop level and that it's only a matter of the right attributes, paths and packing hierarchy...