Mohan Pugaz


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VFX Artist



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Modifing Parm with Python May 2, 2024, 8:08 a.m.

Hi all, Ive read multiple forums regarding this but still not able to make it work.

Im trying to modify a custom `multiline string parm`
I want to change the language of it through python, say i have a dropdown to choose formatting whether python or vex.

here is what i did so far, I found the way to do this is using the .setTag() function to set {"editorlang : "python"}
i can see the tags are modified by printing my parmTemplateGroup but i couldnt see the change in the node.

Im not sure what im doing wrong, can someone help please?

import hou

n = hou.node('/obj/htip2')
g = n.parmTemplateGroup()

old_lang = g.find("code")
new_lang = old_lang

g.replace("code", new_lang)


SideFX Labs conflict with Redshift houdini.env, in 19.5.569 July 20, 2023, 12:42 a.m.

I have made two video tuts on how to install redshift and sidefx labs using the packages method, they work fine without any conflict. you can try them if you want.

Dynamic Parameter Generation for Doors in Houdini July 17, 2023, 5:10 a.m.

I am afraid having too many controls would make the hda confusing and hard to use but nevertheless its good to know how to do this.

I just made a simplest example for this without using python. It might give you some insights on how you could go about it.

Since it is dynamically updating the parms each time the number of rooms increase or decrease, which ever parms you already setup might get destroyed. Hmm not really ideal, but here you go.

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