Tim Wiersma

Tim Wiersma

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How to randomize between parameters (digital asset) May 29, 2014, 6:08 a.m.

Finally got it to work to randomize between parameters:

if(ch(“../random”), > 0, fit01(rand($F), 0, 1), ch(“../rectangular”))

I now use a ‘toggle’; if(ch(“../random”), > 0 to go into “randomizer mode”. By sliding the timeline; fit01(rand($F), 0, 1), it randomizes between 0 and 1, else (when toggle is off), it uses ch(“../rectangular”).

Thanks again Edward, couldn't done it without your help !

How to randomize between parameters (digital asset) May 25, 2014, 2:46 p.m.

Thank you Edward for your quick response!

I think I understand what your expression is meant to do (just beginning to learn Houdini…). However, I can't seem to get it working in my project.

I added a Copy SOP with a Sort SOP as random input (Seed). In my Copy SOP I added a Variable with the Expression you gave me:

if(ch("../auto“), fit01(rand(ch(”../seed")*<randomizer_id>),<MIN>,<MAX>),ch("../randomizer"))

In bold the strings I need to adjust for my project???

unfortunately I can't quite figure out where: (ch(“../auto”) stands for…

Anyhow, enclosed my procedural watch thus far… Maybe it can help?

Again, Thanks for the help! Much appreciated

How to randomize between parameters (digital asset) May 25, 2014, 7:52 a.m.


Currently I am creating a Digital Tool in Houdini, containing a procedural generated watch. I have set different parameters (to the Digital Asset) to adjust specific areas of the watch, which all works fine. However, I can't figure out how to randomize all these parameters at ones with a single float…

Is it even possible…? I really appreciate your help!

All the best, Tim