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[MAYA] OTL Bake Tool Nov. 11, 2014, 5:06 a.m.

I'm trying to build an OTL asset that includes a render-to-texture feature.
I would like to render out a vertex color map.
The OTL have to be used in Maya, using meshes and splines as input and producing a mesh and a texture on disk.

Well….I have everything working less the render to texture part.
Inside the OTL geometry node I have an objnet container for holding the camera and the ambient light. I also have a ropnet for the mantra node.

I'm trying to use relative references for the mantra node needed objects (camera, light and UV object) but simply doesn't work. At the best case I get a message like “Unable to find UV object ../<my path>” and a black texture.

I would like to know if it 's possible at all doing a bake tool like that to be used in Maya.
