dLewis Lewis


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Pyro Flame alpha matte problem Aug. 7, 2013, 11:37 p.m.

Ah awesome! That worked great

Interesting though, I understand that the heat parameter is driving what the mask looks like, but when I use the parm node it no longer points the out_firemask output from the pyroShade into the fire_mask. Does this mean that some information is no longer pointing into the fire_mask?

I've gotten a couple videos into pyro 2 shader tutorials so some more of this is making sense, but I am still just learning to create fields.


Pyro Flame alpha matte problem Aug. 6, 2013, 11:37 p.m.

Ah interesting. The image plane does seem to work, but it appears as though it does not match the C plane, at least not as well as the R channel does.

It looks like it's squashing the heat and smoke so much more of it is opaque than it is in the C render.

I'll have to watch the vids in the sticky on the pyro2 shader and some of the other related videos and see what I can learn, as this whole area is still a bit of a mystery to me.

So far I've mainly just been working with the DOP and the source. I can typically get it to behave how I want it, but not to look how I'd like.

Thanks again for the tips, I'll be back after I've learned some more I'm sure.


Pyro Flame alpha matte problem Aug. 6, 2013, 10:54 a.m.

Ah I see. Well that's easy haha.

Yea looking at a composite of flames an additive blend appears to do what I would want regardless of an alpha.

Thanks for clearing that up for me Sven , I was just overthinking it.
