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Increment a Value with Expression July 15, 2010, 4:28 a.m.

Thank You Koen.

i tried using a sop solver and then use $CEY to move it up and it kinda works.
Theres is this Tutorial by Peter Quint on Vimeo about SOP Solver that partially explains it.

Increment a Value with Expression July 9, 2010, 12:20 p.m.

thank you graham that worked.
but how to increment a value like in java or c++. (like $var++)
is there any increment operator like that in hscript.
one more thing buddy

how do i view the textures in the viewport.
i enabled the Display Textures in misc tab of the Display Options.
and applied a checker texture to the chekerboard pattern to a sphere.
but the texture doesnt show up in the viewport. It renders alright.
i tried applying a uvtexture node but no good

Increment a Value with Expression July 9, 2010, 11:49 a.m.

i am new so bare with me.

imagine theres a sphere at the origin and i want to translate it in the Y direction by 0.1 increment at each frame.
How do i do this with an expression?(no keyframe)
so in general how to increment a value like say $TY++.
i tried using $CEY++ on a transform node but it doesnt work.

Thanks in advance