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Does 3delight 10 pro renders fur ? April 26, 2012, 12:53 p.m.

You should be able to add an AttribCreate with a float for “width” set to something tiny like 0.01 or smaller.

If your curves already have a width attribute, then transfer it using the RenderMan tab of the Attribute sop.

Hair dicing can also be attached directly to your geo via the Rendering Properties. (soho)

My steps:
1. start Houdini
2. CTRL + grid
3. add fur
4 Render Menu –> Create Render Node –> Renderman
5. Render Target –> 3Delight 9.0
6. no cam –> New Camera
7. I click render
8. result? like you can see from my screenshot.

You steps?

Does 3delight 10 pro renders fur ? April 25, 2012, 1:01 p.m.

Yes, via curves. Check Chapter 5 of the 3Delight User's Manual:
Attribute “dice” “hair”
This attribute allows direct control over the tesselation in the u parametric direction
of curves. When set to 0, the width of the curve determines tesselation like other
primitives. When set to a greater value, it is taken as the number of micropolygons to
create in the u direction. A value of 1 is typically used to render hair.


Thanks for reply Mat!
But I don't understand why 3Delight renders like my screenshot… :roll:
Do you know why?

Does 3delight 10 pro renders fur ? April 24, 2012, 5:17 p.m.
