Oliver Hilbert


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camera motion blur on volumes not working properly or at all April 10, 2024, 8:08 p.m.

Ive just been losing my mind trying to get this to work, and what it came down to was Scene Import vs SOP Import. I opted for the Scene import as my FX had some object level transforms. Why does Scene import not support volume motion blur? Is there an attribute or setting on scene import I need to enable?

Solaris Camera Edit Aperture Issue Jan. 26, 2024, 9:30 p.m.

I just discovered my focal length was also set to 2400 ha!

Setting that explicitly to a 24 (as in mm) my aperture now also works as expected (36mm H Apt).

Totally correlates with the scene scale behaviour you describe. I do think Maya write did not catch the scale correctly it seems it indeed used cm's instead of dm's.

Many thanks!

Solaris Camera Edit Aperture Issue Jan. 26, 2024, 4:35 p.m.

Thanks Jsmack

That makes some sense. In my scene currently the prim value is reading for a horizontal aperture "36", and in the edit camera LOP "3600". Sounds like the prim is capturing the value as mm correctly.

The camera was actually created from Maya with a base scale of decimeters, which prompted me to check my asset scale so I think that explains why the Dof seemed off