Bug Database API

Api methods

The Bug Database API allows you to interact with our Supports Team Bug Database without having to use the web interface.


In order to be able to use the Bug Database API your account has to be first approved by our Support Team. If you intend to use this API, please first make sure you have access to the Bug Database web interface or contact our Support Team.


Returns a JSON object with all the possible values to use during an issue submission.

Example return value:

    'os': ['All', 'Linux', 'Windows', 'Win10', 'MacOS' ...]
    'products': ['All', 'Houdini-FX', 'Mantra', 'PDG' ...]
    'categories': ['general', 'modeling', 'rigging' ...]
bugs.submit_issue(priority, product, type, category, os, version, summary, description, watchers=[], custom_id=None)

Submit an issue to our Bug Database. Returns a confirmation object. Parameters:


Priority of your issue. Values accepted:

  • SEV5: Very Low Priority

  • SEV4: Low Priority

  • SEV3: Medium Priority

  • SEV2: High Priority

  • SEV1: Urgent


Product associated to your issue. All the possible values can be retrieved by calling the get_submission_options() function. If you are unsure which value to submit, please use All.


Type of your issue. Values accepted:

  • bug: Bug

  • RFE: Request For Enhancement

  • question: Question


Category for your issue. All possible values can be retrieved by calling the get_submission_options() function. If you are unsure which category your issue would fit in, please use general.


Operating System for which your issue is related to. All possible values can be retrieved by calling the get_submission_options() function. If you are unsure which Operating System to submit, please use All.


Version of Houdini the issue is occuring. e.g. 20.0.668


Brief summary of the issue (limit of 100 characters).


Longer description of your issue. You can use Markdown syntax to format your message.

watchers: (optional)

List of users to receive email updates on the issue. Please note that these emails must be existing and approved to use the Bug Database, otherwise these values will just be ignored. Should be a list of email addresses. e.g. ['user1@yourdomain.com', `user2@yourdomain.com`]

custom_id: (optional)

You can use this field to associate the issue with a custom identified used by your own tracking system.

Returns a JSON object if the call is successful (otherwise an error will be raised if there is a validation error).:

    'issue_id': 12345,  # This it the ID used internally by our Support Team
    'creation_time': '2023-12-14T14:50:59.400882-05:00',
    'error': None,

API usage example

Here is a python example showing how to submit a new issue using our python library (see: Python Reference Implementation), you first need to download the sidefx.py file:

import sidefx

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # This service object retrieve a token using your Application ID and secret
    service = sidefx.service(
        client_id='your OAuth application ID',
        client_secret_key='your OAuth application secret',

    # Retrieve the daily builds list, if you want the latest production
    # you can skip this step
    releases_list = service.bugs.submit_issue(
        summary='Crash in viewport',
        description='Longer description on how to reproduce the issue...',