This is the complete list of members for VOP_CodeGenerator, including all inherited members.
addCodeDependency(DEP_MicroNode *target) | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
afterAddNode(OP_Node *node) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
beforeAddNode(OP_Node *node) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
beginUpdate() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
canGenerateCode(VOP_Type shader_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
cleanupNodesForVflCode(VOP_NodeList &nodes) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
clearAllUpdateFlags() | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
compileAndCacheVflCode(UT_WorkBuffer &vex_output, const UT_WorkBuffer &vfl_input, const char *filename, VCC_Compiler *compiler, const VCC_Options &opts) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
convertVopOpToVopOpType(OP_Node *node, UT_String &err) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
endUpdate(int update_level) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
errorMicroNode() | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
exportedParmsManager() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
findCodeGenerator(const OP_Node *node) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
forceCompile(OP_Node *node) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
forceCompile(void *data, int, fpreal, const PRM_Template *) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
formatDiagnostic(const VCC_DiagnosticInfo &info, UT_WorkBuffer &str) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
generateOslObject(UT_String &ofile, const char *cache_directory, const char *shaderpath, const char *shadername, VOP_ContextType context_type, bool ignore_dirty_flag, UT_String *error_return) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
generateRslObject(UT_String &ofile, const char *cache_directory, const char *renderer, int major_version, int minor_version, const char *shaderpath, const char *shadername, VOP_ContextType context_type, bool ignore_dirty_flag, UT_String *error_return) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
generateVopErrors() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getAutoShaderTypes(VOP_ShaderTypeList &types) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getCachedCodeTimeStamp(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getClassMethodInfos(UT_Array< VOP_MemberMethodInfo > &infos) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getCollectNode() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getCompiler(UT_String &compiler, fpreal now, const char *defcompiler) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getCompiler(UT_WorkBuffer &wbuf, fpreal now, const char *defcompiler) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getCompilerArgs() | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
getDefaultVEXMask() | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
getDependencies(VOP_ContextType context_type, UT_StringArray &shader_deps) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getDiagnosticsForNode(VOP_Node *node, VCC_DiagnosticList &list) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getEncapsulatedShader(VOP_ContextType context) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getEnglishName() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getErrorManager() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getFunctionName(UT_String &name) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getFunctionPath(UT_String &name) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getGeneratorErrors(UT_String &errors) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getGeneratorErrors(UT_String &errors, VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getGeneratorErrorsAndWarnings(UT_String &msgs) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getGeneratorErrorsAndWarnings(UT_String &msgs, VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getInternalFunctionName(UT_String &name) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getInternalOperatorInfo(OP_OTLDefinition &info) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getIsChangingAutoShader() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
getLanguage() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
getLanguageContextTypeList() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
getLanguageType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getMaximumInputs() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getMinimumInputs() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getNodesForContextOrNodeFunctionVflCode(VOP_NodeList &nodes, VOP_Node *&output_node, const VOP_CodeGenContext &codegen_ctx, VOP_CodeVarMapperContext &varmap_context, const char *output_node_name, bool check_errors, VCC_Diagnostics *diagnostics) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getNodesForSubnetFunctionVflCode(VOP_NodeList &nodes, const VOP_CodeGenContext &codegen_ctx, VOP_CodeVarMapperContext &varmap_context, VOP_Node *vop_subnet, bool require_context_check) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getOperatorFilter() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getOslContextType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getOutputNodes(VOP_NodeList &outputs, VOP_ShaderTypeList *types=nullptr) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getOwnerHasParameters() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
getProcedural(VOP_Type interpret_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getPropertiesNodes(VOP_NodeList &properties) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getRslContextType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getShaderContextFullName(VOP_ContextType ctx_t) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getShaderContextName(VOP_ContextType ctx_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getShaderContextName(VOP_ContextType ctx_type, VOP_LanguageType lang_type) | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
getShaderParameterNodes(VOP_NodeList &parm_vops, VOP_Type shader_type) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getVariableString(int index, UT_String &value) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getVexContextType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getVopContextType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getVopFunctionArgInfosFromExports(UT_Array< VOP_FunctionArgInfo > &arg_infos, VOP_Type shader_type) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
getVopnetTypes(const VOP_ContextTypeList &ctxts, UT_StringArray &vopnet_types) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
hasCachedCode() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
hasShaderParameter(const char *parm_name) | VOP_CodeGenerator | virtual |
installCommands() | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
isAutoGenerator() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
isClassBasedShader() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
isClassBasedShader(const VOP_CodeGenContext &codegen_ctx) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
isSingleContextType() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
isVexCodeCached(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
needsAutoVopNodeCleanup() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
needsToGenerateAutoShader(bool allow_value_inputs=false) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
operator=(const UT_NonCopyable &)=delete | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
outputEncapsulatedVflCode(std::ostream &os, VOP_Node *subnet, const char *function_name, VEX_CodeGenFlags flags, VOP_ContextType context_type, bool generate_outer_code) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
outputVexCode(std::ostream &os, const char *shadername, VEX_CodeGenFlags flags=VEX_CG_DEFAULT, VOP_ContextType ctx_type=VOP_CONTEXT_TYPE_INVALID, bool *is_pure_compiled=nullptr, VOP_ShaderSpaceInfo *shader_space=nullptr) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
outputVflCode(std::ostream &os, const char *shadername, VEX_CodeGenFlags flags=VEX_CG_DEFAULT, VOP_ContextType ctx_type=VOP_CONTEXT_TYPE_INVALID, bool skipheader=false, const char *output_node_name=nullptr, VCC_Diagnostics *diag=nullptr, VOP_ShaderSpaceInfo *shader_space=nullptr) | VOP_CodeGenerator | virtual |
ownerChanged(OP_EventType reason, void *data) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
ownerFinishedLoadingNetwork() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
ownerNetwork() const | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
pickContextType(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
pickOslContextType(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
pickRslContextType(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
pickVexContextType(VOP_ContextType context_type) const | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
resetTables(VOP_Node *node) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
setIsAutoGenerator(bool is_auto) | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
setIsChangingAutoShader(bool flag) | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
setLockedCompiledCode(const char *code, VOP_ContextType context_type, bool is_source_code) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
setNeedsCodeUpdate() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
setOmitPragmas(bool flag) | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
setUseIfdefVex(bool flag) | VOP_CodeGenerator | inline |
setVexCodeDirty() | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
theLocalVariables | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopCompilerChoices | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopCompilerName | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopCompilerOslDefault | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopCompilerRslDefault | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopCompilerVexDefault | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
theVopForceCompileName | VOP_CodeGenerator | static |
UT_NonCopyable()=default | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
UT_NonCopyable(const UT_NonCopyable &)=delete | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
VOP_CodeGenerator(OP_Network *owner, VOP_LanguageContextTypeList *context_type, int mininputs, int maxinputs) | VOP_CodeGenerator | |
~UT_NonCopyable()=default | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
~VOP_CodeGenerator() | VOP_CodeGenerator | virtual |