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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 /// \file usdGeom/tokens.h
30 //
31 // This is an automatically generated file (by usdGenSchema.py).
32 // Do not hand-edit!
33 //
36 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
37 #include "pxr/usd/usdGeom/api.h"
38 #include "pxr/base/tf/staticData.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/tf/token.h"
40 #include <vector>
45 /// \class UsdGeomTokensType
46 ///
47 /// \link UsdGeomTokens \endlink provides static, efficient
48 /// \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink for use in all public USD API.
49 ///
50 /// These tokens are auto-generated from the module's schema, representing
51 /// property names, for when you need to fetch an attribute or relationship
52 /// directly by name, e.g. UsdPrim::GetAttribute(), in the most efficient
53 /// manner, and allow the compiler to verify that you spelled the name
54 /// correctly.
55 ///
56 /// UsdGeomTokens also contains all of the \em allowedTokens values
57 /// declared for schema builtin attributes of 'token' scene description type.
58 /// Use UsdGeomTokens like so:
59 ///
60 /// \code
61 /// gprim.GetMyTokenValuedAttr().Set(UsdGeomTokens->accelerations);
62 /// \endcode
65  /// \brief "accelerations"
66  ///
67  /// UsdGeomPointBased, UsdGeomPointInstancer
69  /// \brief "all"
70  ///
71  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
72  const TfToken all;
73  /// \brief "angularVelocities"
74  ///
75  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
77  /// \brief "axis"
78  ///
79  /// UsdGeomCylinder, UsdGeomCapsule, UsdGeomCone, UsdGeomPlane
80  const TfToken axis;
81  /// \brief "basis"
82  ///
83  /// UsdGeomBasisCurves
84  const TfToken basis;
85  /// \brief "bezier"
86  ///
87  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetBasisAttr()
88  const TfToken bezier;
89  /// \brief "bilinear"
90  ///
91  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetSubdivisionSchemeAttr()
93  /// \brief "boundaries"
94  ///
95  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
97  /// \brief "bounds"
98  ///
99  /// Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelDrawModeAttr()
101  /// \brief "box"
102  ///
103  /// Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelCardGeometryAttr()
104  const TfToken box;
105  /// \brief "bspline"
106  ///
107  /// Possible value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetBasisAttr()
109  /// \brief "cards"
110  ///
111  /// Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelDrawModeAttr()
112  const TfToken cards;
113  /// \brief "catmullClark"
114  ///
115  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomMesh::GetSubdivisionSchemeAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomMesh::GetTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr()
117  /// \brief "catmullRom"
118  ///
119  /// Possible value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetBasisAttr()
121  /// \brief "clippingPlanes"
122  ///
123  /// UsdGeomCamera
125  /// \brief "clippingRange"
126  ///
127  /// UsdGeomCamera
129  /// \brief "closed"
130  ///
131  /// Possible value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetUFormAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetVFormAttr()
133  /// \brief "constant"
134  ///
135  /// Possible value for UsdGeomPrimvar::SetInterpolation. Default value for UsdGeomPrimvar::GetInterpolation. One value remains constant over the entire surface primitive.
137  /// \brief "cornerIndices"
138  ///
139  /// UsdGeomMesh
141  /// \brief "cornerSharpnesses"
142  ///
143  /// UsdGeomMesh
145  /// \brief "cornersOnly"
146  ///
147  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
149  /// \brief "cornersPlus1"
150  ///
151  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
153  /// \brief "cornersPlus2"
154  ///
155  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr()
157  /// \brief "creaseIndices"
158  ///
159  /// UsdGeomMesh
161  /// \brief "creaseLengths"
162  ///
163  /// UsdGeomMesh
165  /// \brief "creaseSharpnesses"
166  ///
167  /// UsdGeomMesh
169  /// \brief "cross"
170  ///
171  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelCardGeometryAttr()
172  const TfToken cross;
173  /// \brief "cubic"
174  ///
175  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetTypeAttr()
176  const TfToken cubic;
177  /// \brief "curveVertexCounts"
178  ///
179  /// UsdGeomCurves
181  /// \brief "default"
182  ///
183  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomImageable::GetPurposeAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelDrawModeAttr()
185  /// \brief "doubleSided"
186  ///
187  /// UsdGeomGprim, UsdGeomPlane
189  /// \brief "edgeAndCorner"
190  ///
191  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomMesh::GetInterpolateBoundaryAttr()
193  /// \brief "edgeOnly"
194  ///
195  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetInterpolateBoundaryAttr()
197  /// \brief "elementSize"
198  ///
199  /// UsdGeomPrimvar - The number of values in the value array that must be aggregated for each element on the primitive.
201  /// \brief "elementType"
202  ///
203  /// UsdGeomSubset
205  /// \brief "exposure"
206  ///
207  /// UsdGeomCamera
209  /// \brief "extent"
210  ///
211  /// UsdGeomBoundable, UsdGeomCube, UsdGeomSphere, UsdGeomCylinder, UsdGeomCapsule, UsdGeomCone, UsdGeomPlane
213  /// \brief "extentsHint"
214  ///
215  /// Name of the attribute used to author extents hints at the root of leaf models. Extents hints are stored by purpose as a vector of GfVec3f values. They are ordered based on the order of purpose tokens returned by UsdGeomImageable::GetOrderedPurposeTokens.
217  /// \brief "face"
218  ///
219  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomSubset::GetElementTypeAttr()
220  const TfToken face;
221  /// \brief "faceVarying"
222  ///
223  /// Possible value for UsdGeomPrimvar::SetInterpolation. For polygons and subdivision surfaces, four values are interpolated over each face of the mesh. Bilinear interpolation is used for interpolation between the four values.
225  /// \brief "faceVaryingLinearInterpolation"
226  ///
227  /// UsdGeomMesh
229  /// \brief "faceVertexCounts"
230  ///
231  /// UsdGeomMesh
233  /// \brief "faceVertexIndices"
234  ///
235  /// UsdGeomMesh
237  /// \brief "familyName"
238  ///
239  /// UsdGeomSubset
241  /// \brief "focalLength"
242  ///
243  /// UsdGeomCamera
245  /// \brief "focusDistance"
246  ///
247  /// UsdGeomCamera
249  /// \brief "fromTexture"
250  ///
251  /// Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelCardGeometryAttr()
253  /// \brief "fStop"
254  ///
255  /// UsdGeomCamera
256  const TfToken fStop;
257  /// \brief "guide"
258  ///
259  /// Possible value for UsdGeomImageable::GetPurposeAttr()
260  const TfToken guide;
261  /// \brief "guideVisibility"
262  ///
263  /// UsdGeomVisibilityAPI
265  /// \brief "height"
266  ///
267  /// UsdGeomCylinder, UsdGeomCapsule, UsdGeomCone
269  /// \brief "hermite"
270  ///
271  /// A deprecated basis token for UsdGeomBasisCurves. Consumers of USD should transition to using the UsdGeomHermiteCurves schema.
273  /// \brief "holeIndices"
274  ///
275  /// UsdGeomMesh
277  /// \brief "horizontalAperture"
278  ///
279  /// UsdGeomCamera
281  /// \brief "horizontalApertureOffset"
282  ///
283  /// UsdGeomCamera
285  /// \brief "ids"
286  ///
287  /// UsdGeomPoints, UsdGeomPointInstancer
288  const TfToken ids;
289  /// \brief "inactiveIds"
290  ///
291  /// int64listop prim metadata that specifies the PointInstancer ids that should be masked (unrenderable) over all time.
293  /// \brief "indices"
294  ///
295  /// UsdGeomSubset
297  /// \brief "inherited"
298  ///
299  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomImageable::GetVisibilityAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetGuideVisibilityAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetProxyVisibilityAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetRenderVisibilityAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelDrawModeAttr()
301  /// \brief "interpolateBoundary"
302  ///
303  /// UsdGeomMesh
305  /// \brief "interpolation"
306  ///
307  /// UsdGeomPrimvar - How a Primvar interpolates across a primitive; equivalent to RenderMan's \ref Usd_InterpolationVals "class specifier"
309  /// \brief "invisible"
310  ///
311  /// Possible value for UsdGeomImageable::GetVisibilityAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetGuideVisibilityAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetProxyVisibilityAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetRenderVisibilityAttr()
313  /// \brief "invisibleIds"
314  ///
315  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
317  /// \brief "knots"
318  ///
319  /// UsdGeomNurbsCurves
320  const TfToken knots;
321  /// \brief "left"
322  ///
323  /// Possible value for UsdGeomCamera::GetStereoRoleAttr()
324  const TfToken left;
325  /// \brief "leftHanded"
326  ///
327  /// Possible value for UsdGeomGprim::GetOrientationAttr()
329  /// \brief "length"
330  ///
331  /// UsdGeomPlane
333  /// \brief "linear"
334  ///
335  /// Possible value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetTypeAttr()
337  /// \brief "loop"
338  ///
339  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetSubdivisionSchemeAttr()
340  const TfToken loop;
341  /// \brief "metersPerUnit"
342  ///
343  /// Stage-level metadata that encodes a scene's linear unit of measure as meters per encoded unit.
345  /// \brief "model:applyDrawMode"
346  ///
347  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
349  /// \brief "model:cardGeometry"
350  ///
351  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
353  /// \brief "model:cardTextureXNeg"
354  ///
355  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
357  /// \brief "model:cardTextureXPos"
358  ///
359  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
361  /// \brief "model:cardTextureYNeg"
362  ///
363  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
365  /// \brief "model:cardTextureYPos"
366  ///
367  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
369  /// \brief "model:cardTextureZNeg"
370  ///
371  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
373  /// \brief "model:cardTextureZPos"
374  ///
375  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
377  /// \brief "model:drawMode"
378  ///
379  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
381  /// \brief "model:drawModeColor"
382  ///
383  /// UsdGeomModelAPI
385  /// \brief "mono"
386  ///
387  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomCamera::GetStereoRoleAttr()
388  const TfToken mono;
389  /// \brief "motion:blurScale"
390  ///
391  /// UsdGeomMotionAPI
393  /// \brief "motion:nonlinearSampleCount"
394  ///
395  /// UsdGeomMotionAPI
397  /// \brief "motion:velocityScale"
398  ///
399  /// UsdGeomMotionAPI
401  /// \brief "none"
402  ///
403  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetInterpolateBoundaryAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetSubdivisionSchemeAttr()
404  const TfToken none;
405  /// \brief "nonOverlapping"
406  ///
407  /// A type of family of GeomSubsets. It implies that the elements in the various subsets belonging to the family are mutually exclusive, i.e., an element that appears in one subset may not belong to any other subset in the family.
409  /// \brief "nonperiodic"
410  ///
411  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetWrapAttr()
413  /// \brief "normals"
414  ///
415  /// UsdGeomPointBased
417  /// \brief "open"
418  ///
419  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetUFormAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetVFormAttr()
420  const TfToken open;
421  /// \brief "order"
422  ///
423  /// UsdGeomNurbsCurves
424  const TfToken order;
425  /// \brief "orientation"
426  ///
427  /// UsdGeomGprim
429  /// \brief "orientations"
430  ///
431  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
433  /// \brief "origin"
434  ///
435  /// Possible value for UsdGeomModelAPI::GetModelDrawModeAttr()
437  /// \brief "orthographic"
438  ///
439  /// Possible value for UsdGeomCamera::GetProjectionAttr()
441  /// \brief "partition"
442  ///
443  /// A type of family of GeomSubsets. It implies that every element appears exacly once in only one of the subsets in the family.
445  /// \brief "periodic"
446  ///
447  /// Possible value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetUFormAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomNurbsPatch::GetVFormAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetWrapAttr()
449  /// \brief "perspective"
450  ///
451  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomCamera::GetProjectionAttr()
453  /// \brief "pinned"
454  ///
455  /// Possible value for UsdGeomBasisCurves::GetWrapAttr()
457  /// \brief "pivot"
458  ///
459  /// Op suffix for the standard scale-rotate pivot on a UsdGeomXformCommonAPI-compatible prim.
460  const TfToken pivot;
461  /// \brief "points"
462  ///
463  /// UsdGeomPointBased
465  /// \brief "pointWeights"
466  ///
467  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch, UsdGeomNurbsCurves
469  /// \brief "positions"
470  ///
471  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
473  /// \brief "power"
474  ///
475  /// A deprecated basis token for UsdGeomBasisCurves.
476  const TfToken power;
477  /// \brief "primvars:displayColor"
478  ///
479  /// UsdGeomGprim
481  /// \brief "primvars:displayOpacity"
482  ///
483  /// UsdGeomGprim
485  /// \brief "projection"
486  ///
487  /// UsdGeomCamera
489  /// \brief "protoIndices"
490  ///
491  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
493  /// \brief "prototypes"
494  ///
495  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
497  /// \brief "proxy"
498  ///
499  /// Possible value for UsdGeomImageable::GetPurposeAttr()
500  const TfToken proxy;
501  /// \brief "proxyPrim"
502  ///
503  /// UsdGeomImageable
505  /// \brief "proxyVisibility"
506  ///
507  /// UsdGeomVisibilityAPI
509  /// \brief "purpose"
510  ///
511  /// UsdGeomImageable
513  /// \brief "radius"
514  ///
515  /// UsdGeomSphere, UsdGeomCylinder, UsdGeomCapsule, UsdGeomCone
517  /// \brief "ranges"
518  ///
519  /// UsdGeomNurbsCurves
521  /// \brief "render"
522  ///
523  /// Possible value for UsdGeomImageable::GetPurposeAttr()
525  /// \brief "renderVisibility"
526  ///
527  /// UsdGeomVisibilityAPI
529  /// \brief "right"
530  ///
531  /// Possible value for UsdGeomCamera::GetStereoRoleAttr()
532  const TfToken right;
533  /// \brief "rightHanded"
534  ///
535  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomGprim::GetOrientationAttr()
537  /// \brief "scales"
538  ///
539  /// UsdGeomPointInstancer
541  /// \brief "shutter:close"
542  ///
543  /// UsdGeomCamera
545  /// \brief "shutter:open"
546  ///
547  /// UsdGeomCamera
549  /// \brief "size"
550  ///
551  /// UsdGeomCube
552  const TfToken size;
553  /// \brief "smooth"
554  ///
555  /// Possible value for UsdGeomMesh::GetTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr()
557  /// \brief "stereoRole"
558  ///
559  /// UsdGeomCamera
561  /// \brief "subdivisionScheme"
562  ///
563  /// UsdGeomMesh
565  /// \brief "tangents"
566  ///
567  /// UsdGeomHermiteCurves
569  /// \brief "triangleSubdivisionRule"
570  ///
571  /// UsdGeomMesh
573  /// \brief "trimCurve:counts"
574  ///
575  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
577  /// \brief "trimCurve:knots"
578  ///
579  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
581  /// \brief "trimCurve:orders"
582  ///
583  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
585  /// \brief "trimCurve:points"
586  ///
587  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
589  /// \brief "trimCurve:ranges"
590  ///
591  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
593  /// \brief "trimCurve:vertexCounts"
594  ///
595  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
597  /// \brief "type"
598  ///
599  /// UsdGeomBasisCurves
600  const TfToken type;
601  /// \brief "uForm"
602  ///
603  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
604  const TfToken uForm;
605  /// \brief "uKnots"
606  ///
607  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
609  /// \brief "unauthoredValuesIndex"
610  ///
611  /// UsdGeomPrimvar - The index that represents unauthored values in the indices array of an indexed primvar.
613  /// \brief "uniform"
614  ///
615  /// Possible value for UsdGeomPrimvar::SetInterpolation. One value remains constant for each uv patch segment of the surface primitive (which is a \em face for meshes).
617  /// \brief "unrestricted"
618  ///
619  /// A type of family of GeomSubsets. It implies that there are no restrictions w.r.t. the membership of elements in the subsets. There could be overlapping members in subsets belonging to the family and the union of all subsets in the family may not contain all the elements.
621  /// \brief "uOrder"
622  ///
623  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
625  /// \brief "upAxis"
626  ///
627  /// Stage-level metadata that encodes a scene's orientation as a token whose value can be "Y" or "Z".
629  /// \brief "uRange"
630  ///
631  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
633  /// \brief "uVertexCount"
634  ///
635  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
637  /// \brief "varying"
638  ///
639  /// Possible value for UsdGeomPrimvar::SetInterpolation. Four values are interpolated over each uv patch segment of the surface. Bilinear interpolation is used for interpolation between the four values.
641  /// \brief "velocities"
642  ///
643  /// UsdGeomPointBased, UsdGeomPointInstancer
645  /// \brief "vertex"
646  ///
647  /// Possible value for UsdGeomPrimvar::SetInterpolation. Values are interpolated between each vertex in the surface primitive. The basis function of the surface is used for interpolation between vertices.
649  /// \brief "verticalAperture"
650  ///
651  /// UsdGeomCamera
653  /// \brief "verticalApertureOffset"
654  ///
655  /// UsdGeomCamera
657  /// \brief "vForm"
658  ///
659  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
660  const TfToken vForm;
661  /// \brief "visibility"
662  ///
663  /// UsdGeomImageable
665  /// \brief "visible"
666  ///
667  /// Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetGuideVisibilityAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetProxyVisibilityAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI::GetRenderVisibilityAttr()
669  /// \brief "vKnots"
670  ///
671  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
673  /// \brief "vOrder"
674  ///
675  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
677  /// \brief "vRange"
678  ///
679  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
681  /// \brief "vVertexCount"
682  ///
683  /// UsdGeomNurbsPatch
685  /// \brief "width"
686  ///
687  /// UsdGeomPlane
688  const TfToken width;
689  /// \brief "widths"
690  ///
691  /// UsdGeomCurves, UsdGeomPoints
693  /// \brief "wrap"
694  ///
695  /// UsdGeomBasisCurves
696  const TfToken wrap;
697  /// \brief "X"
698  ///
699  /// Possible value for UsdGeomCylinder::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomCapsule::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomCone::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomPlane::GetAxisAttr()
700  const TfToken x;
701  /// \brief "xformOpOrder"
702  ///
703  /// UsdGeomXformable
705  /// \brief "Y"
706  ///
707  /// Possible value for UsdGeomCylinder::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomCapsule::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomCone::GetAxisAttr(), Possible value for UsdGeomPlane::GetAxisAttr()
708  const TfToken y;
709  /// \brief "Z"
710  ///
711  /// Fallback value for UsdGeomCylinder::GetAxisAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomCapsule::GetAxisAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomCone::GetAxisAttr(), Fallback value for UsdGeomPlane::GetAxisAttr()
712  const TfToken z;
713  /// \brief "BasisCurves"
714  ///
715  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomBasisCurves
717  /// \brief "Boundable"
718  ///
719  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomBoundable
721  /// \brief "Camera"
722  ///
723  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCamera
725  /// \brief "Capsule"
726  ///
727  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCapsule
729  /// \brief "Cone"
730  ///
731  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCone
732  const TfToken Cone;
733  /// \brief "Cube"
734  ///
735  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCube
736  const TfToken Cube;
737  /// \brief "Curves"
738  ///
739  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCurves
741  /// \brief "Cylinder"
742  ///
743  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomCylinder
745  /// \brief "GeomModelAPI"
746  ///
747  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomModelAPI
749  /// \brief "GeomSubset"
750  ///
751  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomSubset
753  /// \brief "Gprim"
754  ///
755  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomGprim
756  const TfToken Gprim;
757  /// \brief "HermiteCurves"
758  ///
759  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomHermiteCurves
761  /// \brief "Imageable"
762  ///
763  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomImageable
765  /// \brief "Mesh"
766  ///
767  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomMesh
768  const TfToken Mesh;
769  /// \brief "MotionAPI"
770  ///
771  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomMotionAPI
773  /// \brief "NurbsCurves"
774  ///
775  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomNurbsCurves
777  /// \brief "NurbsPatch"
778  ///
779  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomNurbsPatch
781  /// \brief "Plane"
782  ///
783  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomPlane
784  const TfToken Plane;
785  /// \brief "PointBased"
786  ///
787  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomPointBased
789  /// \brief "PointInstancer"
790  ///
791  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomPointInstancer
793  /// \brief "Points"
794  ///
795  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomPoints
797  /// \brief "PrimvarsAPI"
798  ///
799  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI
801  /// \brief "Scope"
802  ///
803  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomScope
804  const TfToken Scope;
805  /// \brief "Sphere"
806  ///
807  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomSphere
809  /// \brief "VisibilityAPI"
810  ///
811  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomVisibilityAPI
813  /// \brief "Xform"
814  ///
815  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomXform
816  const TfToken Xform;
817  /// \brief "Xformable"
818  ///
819  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomXformable
821  /// \brief "XformCommonAPI"
822  ///
823  /// Schema identifer and family for UsdGeomXformCommonAPI
825  /// A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
826  const std::vector<TfToken> allTokens;
827 };
829 /// \var UsdGeomTokens
830 ///
831 /// A global variable with static, efficient \link TfToken TfTokens\endlink
832 /// for use in all public USD API. \sa UsdGeomTokensType
837 #endif
const TfToken cross
Definition: tokens.h:172
const TfToken left
Definition: tokens.h:324
const TfToken Imageable
Definition: tokens.h:764
const TfToken Points
Definition: tokens.h:796
const TfToken linear
Definition: tokens.h:336
const TfToken fStop
Definition: tokens.h:256
const TfToken modelCardTextureXNeg
Definition: tokens.h:356
const TfToken points
Definition: tokens.h:464
const TfToken trimCurvePoints
Definition: tokens.h:588
const TfToken modelCardTextureZNeg
Definition: tokens.h:372
const TfToken prototypes
Definition: tokens.h:496
const TfToken ranges
Definition: tokens.h:520
const TfToken HermiteCurves
Definition: tokens.h:760
const TfToken width
Definition: tokens.h:688
const TfToken elementSize
Definition: tokens.h:200
const TfToken pointWeights
Definition: tokens.h:468
const TfToken metersPerUnit
Definition: tokens.h:344
const TfToken bilinear
Definition: tokens.h:92
const TfToken trimCurveRanges
Definition: tokens.h:592
const TfToken Xform
Definition: tokens.h:816
const TfToken Scope
Definition: tokens.h:804
const TfToken extentsHint
Definition: tokens.h:216
const TfToken unrestricted
Definition: tokens.h:620
const TfToken bezier
Definition: tokens.h:88
const TfToken faceVarying
Definition: tokens.h:224
const TfToken catmullRom
Definition: tokens.h:120
const TfToken faceVaryingLinearInterpolation
Definition: tokens.h:228
const TfToken ids
Definition: tokens.h:288
const TfToken constant
Definition: tokens.h:136
const TfToken normals
Definition: tokens.h:416
const TfToken render
Definition: tokens.h:524
const TfToken holeIndices
Definition: tokens.h:276
const TfToken orientation
Definition: tokens.h:428
const TfToken bounds
Definition: tokens.h:100
const TfToken order
Definition: tokens.h:424
const TfToken motionVelocityScale
Definition: tokens.h:400
const TfToken Xformable
Definition: tokens.h:820
const TfToken NurbsPatch
Definition: tokens.h:780
const TfToken Camera
Definition: tokens.h:724
const TfToken proxyVisibility
Definition: tokens.h:508
const TfToken face
Definition: tokens.h:220
const TfToken Gprim
Definition: tokens.h:756
const TfToken vVertexCount
Definition: tokens.h:684
const TfToken modelCardGeometry
Definition: tokens.h:352
const TfToken axis
Definition: tokens.h:80
const TfToken clippingRange
Definition: tokens.h:128
const TfToken catmullClark
Definition: tokens.h:116
const TfToken primvarsDisplayOpacity
Definition: tokens.h:484
const TfToken invisible
Definition: tokens.h:312
const TfToken GeomModelAPI
Definition: tokens.h:748
const TfToken focalLength
Definition: tokens.h:244
const TfToken wrap
Definition: tokens.h:696
const TfToken PointBased
Definition: tokens.h:788
const TfToken projection
Definition: tokens.h:488
const TfToken vForm
Definition: tokens.h:660
const TfToken cornersPlus1
Definition: tokens.h:152
const TfToken nonOverlapping
Definition: tokens.h:408
const TfToken open
Definition: tokens.h:420
const TfToken edgeAndCorner
Definition: tokens.h:192
const TfToken trimCurveVertexCounts
Definition: tokens.h:596
const TfToken partition
Definition: tokens.h:444
const TfToken x
Definition: tokens.h:700
const TfToken modelCardTextureYNeg
Definition: tokens.h:364
const TfToken uniform
Definition: tokens.h:616
const TfToken guide
Definition: tokens.h:260
const TfToken modelCardTextureYPos
Definition: tokens.h:368
const TfToken uVertexCount
Definition: tokens.h:636
const TfToken accelerations
Definition: tokens.h:68
const TfToken perspective
Definition: tokens.h:452
const TfToken height
Definition: tokens.h:268
const TfToken PointInstancer
Definition: tokens.h:792
const TfToken invisibleIds
Definition: tokens.h:316
const TfToken closed
Definition: tokens.h:132
const TfToken cornersOnly
Definition: tokens.h:148
const TfToken widths
Definition: tokens.h:692
const TfToken cornerIndices
Definition: tokens.h:140
const TfToken periodic
Definition: tokens.h:448
const TfToken visibility
Definition: tokens.h:664
const TfToken Boundable
Definition: tokens.h:720
const TfToken Mesh
Definition: tokens.h:768
Definition: token.h:87
const TfToken curveVertexCounts
Definition: tokens.h:180
const TfToken elementType
Definition: tokens.h:204
const TfToken clippingPlanes
Definition: tokens.h:124
const TfToken primvarsDisplayColor
Definition: tokens.h:480
const TfToken y
Definition: tokens.h:708
const TfToken z
Definition: tokens.h:712
const TfToken size
Definition: tokens.h:552
const TfToken box
Definition: tokens.h:104
const TfToken modelApplyDrawMode
Definition: tokens.h:348
const TfToken tangents
Definition: tokens.h:568
const TfToken VisibilityAPI
Definition: tokens.h:812
const TfToken subdivisionScheme
Definition: tokens.h:564
const TfToken xformOpOrder
Definition: tokens.h:704
const TfToken PrimvarsAPI
Definition: tokens.h:800
const TfToken cubic
Definition: tokens.h:176
const TfToken horizontalApertureOffset
Definition: tokens.h:284
const TfToken default_
Definition: tokens.h:184
const TfToken exposure
Definition: tokens.h:208
const TfToken horizontalAperture
Definition: tokens.h:280
const TfToken stereoRole
Definition: tokens.h:560
const TfToken Plane
Definition: tokens.h:784
const TfToken vertex
Definition: tokens.h:648
const TfToken pinned
Definition: tokens.h:456
const TfToken uForm
Definition: tokens.h:604
const TfToken cornersPlus2
Definition: tokens.h:156
const TfToken knots
Definition: tokens.h:320
const TfToken GeomSubset
Definition: tokens.h:752
const TfToken uOrder
Definition: tokens.h:624
const TfToken edgeOnly
Definition: tokens.h:196
const TfToken loop
Definition: tokens.h:340
const TfToken all
Definition: tokens.h:72
const TfToken origin
Definition: tokens.h:436
const TfToken scales
Definition: tokens.h:540
const TfToken vRange
Definition: tokens.h:680
const TfToken power
Definition: tokens.h:476
const TfToken triangleSubdivisionRule
Definition: tokens.h:572
const TfToken protoIndices
Definition: tokens.h:492
const TfToken trimCurveKnots
Definition: tokens.h:580
const TfToken unauthoredValuesIndex
Definition: tokens.h:612
const TfToken rightHanded
Definition: tokens.h:536
const TfToken uKnots
Definition: tokens.h:608
const TfToken interpolateBoundary
Definition: tokens.h:304
const TfToken focusDistance
Definition: tokens.h:248
const TfToken basis
Definition: tokens.h:84
const TfToken cornerSharpnesses
Definition: tokens.h:144
const TfToken upAxis
Definition: tokens.h:628
const TfToken type
Definition: tokens.h:600
const TfToken angularVelocities
Definition: tokens.h:76
const TfToken Curves
Definition: tokens.h:740
const TfToken purpose
Definition: tokens.h:512
const TfToken modelCardTextureZPos
Definition: tokens.h:376
const TfToken verticalAperture
Definition: tokens.h:652
const TfToken Cone
Definition: tokens.h:732
const TfToken Sphere
Definition: tokens.h:808
const TfToken none
Definition: tokens.h:404
USDGEOM_API TfStaticData< UsdGeomTokensType > UsdGeomTokens
const TfToken visible
Definition: tokens.h:668
const TfToken XformCommonAPI
Definition: tokens.h:824
const TfToken faceVertexCounts
Definition: tokens.h:232
const TfToken doubleSided
Definition: tokens.h:188
const TfToken varying
Definition: tokens.h:640
Definition: path.h:1441
const TfToken shutterClose
Definition: tokens.h:544
const TfToken creaseLengths
Definition: tokens.h:164
const TfToken interpolation
Definition: tokens.h:308
const TfToken shutterOpen
Definition: tokens.h:548
const TfToken renderVisibility
Definition: tokens.h:528
const TfToken indices
Definition: tokens.h:296
const TfToken length
Definition: tokens.h:332
const std::vector< TfToken > allTokens
A vector of all of the tokens listed above.
Definition: tokens.h:826
const TfToken motionBlurScale
Definition: tokens.h:392
const TfToken cards
Definition: tokens.h:112
const TfToken motionNonlinearSampleCount
Definition: tokens.h:396
const TfToken faceVertexIndices
Definition: tokens.h:236
const TfToken positions
Definition: tokens.h:472
const TfToken mono
Definition: tokens.h:388
const TfToken proxyPrim
Definition: tokens.h:504
const TfToken Cube
Definition: tokens.h:736
Definition: pxr.h:91
const TfToken vKnots
Definition: tokens.h:672
const TfToken pivot
Definition: tokens.h:460
const TfToken familyName
Definition: tokens.h:240
USDGEOM_API UsdGeomTokensType()
Definition: api.h:40
const TfToken Cylinder
Definition: tokens.h:744
const TfToken radius
Definition: tokens.h:516
const TfToken hermite
Definition: tokens.h:272
const TfToken velocities
Definition: tokens.h:644
const TfToken MotionAPI
Definition: tokens.h:772
const TfToken creaseSharpnesses
Definition: tokens.h:168
const TfToken leftHanded
Definition: tokens.h:328
const TfToken guideVisibility
Definition: tokens.h:264
const TfToken creaseIndices
Definition: tokens.h:160
const TfToken BasisCurves
Definition: tokens.h:716
const TfToken NurbsCurves
Definition: tokens.h:776
const TfToken extent
Definition: tokens.h:212
const TfToken modelCardTextureXPos
Definition: tokens.h:360
const TfToken modelDrawModeColor
Definition: tokens.h:384
const TfToken right
Definition: tokens.h:532
const TfToken Capsule
Definition: tokens.h:728
const TfToken orientations
Definition: tokens.h:432
const TfToken inactiveIds
Definition: tokens.h:292
const TfToken trimCurveCounts
Definition: tokens.h:576
const TfToken orthographic
Definition: tokens.h:440
const TfToken bspline
Definition: tokens.h:108
const TfToken nonperiodic
Definition: tokens.h:412
const TfToken modelDrawMode
Definition: tokens.h:380
const TfToken smooth
Definition: tokens.h:556
const TfToken trimCurveOrders
Definition: tokens.h:584
const TfToken uRange
Definition: tokens.h:632
const TfToken fromTexture
Definition: tokens.h:252
const TfToken verticalApertureOffset
Definition: tokens.h:656
const TfToken inherited
Definition: tokens.h:300
const TfToken proxy
Definition: tokens.h:500
const TfToken vOrder
Definition: tokens.h:676
const TfToken boundaries
Definition: tokens.h:96