Houdini 20.0 Shelf tools

Dry Ice shelf tool

Creates dry ice fog falling from the selected object.


This shelf tool sets up a falling smoke effect resembling dry ice fog. The preset uses a negative Scale value for temperature sourcing on the Volume Source node to create cold smoke that will fall instead of rise.

The preset uses a high diffusion rate to make the smoke settle quickly and create the appropriate “drizzling” look.

On the Pyro Solver node, the dissipation range is remapped to start below zero, to correctly evaporate the fog over time.

Use the Disturbance and Turbulence controls on the pyro solver to add detail or change motion.

See how to use the pyro tools.


  • If the object has a velocity point attribute (v), the Volume Rasterize Attributes SOP will create a velocity volume for the simulation.

    To add velocity attributes to the object, use the Point Velocity SOP.

  • Use the disturbance and turbulence controls on the Pyro Solver’s Shape tab to add detail or change motion.

  • Use the settings on the object’s Pyro Source and Attribute Noise SOPs to change the emission.

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
