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Hi guys,

I am trying export obj files (a basic bouncing ball animation with 10 frames as a example) from houdini to maya, but something very strange is happening, all obj file has the same data (same vertices, same faces, etc), I did not notice any diference between them, seems the houdini exported only the frame 1 of may animation.

So, when I imported them in Maya, every file was loaded in origin, doesn´t matter if test01.obj (frame 1, ball in origin) or test10.obj (frame 10, ball 10 units high), both are loaded in origin in maya.

But, this problem doesn´t happen in houdini, the sequence file is imported nicely, everything is ok, models, animation, material, everething is fine. So, can someone help me?
I suppose you animate the sphere object (at the object level) then go into SOPs and export the geometry from there.
However, the geometry inside the object is not animated (you are basically animating the geometry container, in a “Scene space”. Inside it, in the “Object Space”, the geometry is still).
To be able to export that you should import you object animation into SOP space, and you'll use Object Merge SOP for that.
Create a new object, place an Object Merge SOP inside and then put . in the Transform Object field and the path to your object in Object 1, and export that to a geo sequence.
Check the help for Object Merge SOP for more info.


Thank you for your help, I will try this latter, but before, I would to know if I have to handle this thing, “Scene space” and “Object Space”, when I use a Geometry ROP to export my animation, I am asking because the same problem happened when I tried this approach to export my animation.

If your .obj sequence is loading correctly, with the animation, in Houdini then it should do so in Maya.
I would say then that there must be a setting that you've missed in maya that recognizes the sequence. Or perhaps it doesn't like the file numbering format.
These are just guesses.
I'm not a maya guru but afaik … Maya doenst like obj sequences .. unless you use scripts.. am I wrong?
yeah, you may need to use the realflow plugin or something to read an obj sequence in Maya.
unfortunately in maya you have to write a mel script to read in the objs and then use blend shapes to animate between them….I believe that there is a script on highend3d called objMorphSequence.mel or something like that.

I found the script…you can find it attached to this mail
Hi evereone,

My problem was fixed, my animation was nicely exported to maya.

Digitallysane, your tip about the Object Merge SOP was very useful, thank you.

Spev, yuor mel script works, tank you too
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