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Hi Guys, []

Bought the download copy the of this the day - top stuff. Nice information here and well worth it if you are in the Euro Zone with the current Dollar / Euro rate.

Hopefully - “Character Animation / Animation in Houdini” is next

Count me in for that one too!

Unfortunately Digital Tutors have a very strange policy of choosing the countries they ship for.
They also have a customer support department who prefers not to answer questions asked by potential buyers.

Any one tried the e-download option?
Does it work?
Any one tried the e-download option?
Does it work?

RDG: Read my first post again - “Bought the download copy of this today - top stuff.”

And then go here: []

Had to pop this in - just ribbing you RDG.

digitallysane & RDG: The download version works fine, two file links in your email. Each the content of ONE CD. Download and burn two CD's, pop into drive, autolaunch and off you go.

Unfortunately Digital Tutors have a very strange policy of choosing the countries they ship for.

Why dont you just buy the download version. No shipping issues I dont think. Of course I am assuming you have decent Broadband. Only difference is NO Box, thats it!

Why dont you just buy the download version. No shipping issues I dont think. Of course I am assuming you have decent Broadband. Only difference is NO Box, thats it.
The problem is they have a selection of countries they accept payment from, and Romania is not among them. It's exactly the download version I'd like to get, but for that I need to make an account and to be able to pay.
It's the first provider where I encounter such medieval problems.

Hi Dragos,

After I posted that I had that exact thought - maybe your country is not mentioned there.

Would it be worth emailing Robert Magee on this one, if you havent done so: []

Scroll to end and - see if he can bend Digital tutors Ears for you!

I had something similar for ages with XSI here in Ireland. Sent them stinkers of emails about it. When I went to purchase it online, I was able to go through the shop as normal, but at checkout it said - sorry you cannot buy it online - go to the reseller site in Dublin. They then emailed me with an price that was loaded substantially. I refused to buy. Recently they have rectified this, but it stopped me purchasing in the past.

Hi Guys, []

Bought the download copy the of this the day - top stuff. Nice information here and well worth it if you are in the Euro Zone with the current Dollar / Euro rate.

Hopefully - “Character Animation / Animation in Houdini” is next

Count me in for that one too!



Well I don't think that this video is topStuff, buy Gnomon Rigid Body, this is top Stuff. I didn't seen yet cmiVfx videos but for now this is the best tutorial for me out there, especialy in dynamics topic.

But anyway it's good that they also joned with some material to learn Houdini.
czesc Czesiek,

these items are hardly comparable. Gnomon DVD is indepth overview about a one specific topic for Houdini's artist.

Digital-Tutors made an introductory videos that help jump into various topics in Houdini's environment. It's just a different stuff. Much better for beginners though…

sie masz!

Although I respect both 3dbuzz and cmivfx's work (and I've seen all of them) I think DT stuff raise the bar in Houdini learning materials. They are nice, funny, well done and well presented like in a good restaurant. Perhaps not the deepest stuff ever. But this is how it is with introductory.
Good work guys!
Unfortunately Digital Tutors have a very strange policy of choosing the countries they ship for.
They also have a customer support department who prefers not to answer questions asked by potential buyers.
I just received an email from Digital Tutors and they are working to solve the problem. Seems I judged them too quick, for which I apologize.

Well I don't think that this video is topStuff, buy Gnomon Rigid Body, this is top Stuff. I didn't seen yet cmiVfx videos but for now this is the best tutorial for me out there, especialy in dynamics topic.

I didn,t know that they've released tutorials for H9. I have all the H8 rigid body stuff which to me is outdated for H9.
Actually, the Rigid Body stuff is very similar from 8 to 9, the UI has changed but the concepts and techniques are very much relevant. Same with old POPs training, even from a couple of versions ago.


Peter B
Actually, the Rigid Body stuff is very similar from 8 to 9, the UI has changed but the concepts and techniques are very much relevant. Same with old POPs training, even from a couple of versions ago.

Yep you're right, but not for newbies though. :wink:
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