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Root » Houdini Lounge » Vex shader writing help ?
As per the help “Transitioning between VEX and RSL” there is one page listing 12 mapping values. Is it a case of the simple RSL listed below will render as a mantra shader after its been compiled ?. I suspect of course not . So where can I find out the differences between RSL and the vex for writing shaders ?


constant_test(float Kfb = 1 /* fake brightness */)
color surfcolor = 1;

Oi = Os;

Ci = Oi * Cs * surfcolor * Kfb;

You can check the Globals in VOPs for the basic Globals, but some don't match up like “Pz” and “dPdz” are not present in RSL. In order to get “Pz” in RSL you can do this.

point myPz = depth(P);

pPdz fries my brain, so I'll let somebody else tackle that one.

The code below just needs a few Global changes, and the way you assign variables has to be changed.


constant_test(float Kd = 1;
vector opac = 1)
vector Cd = 1;

Of = opac;

Cf = Cd * Kd;

I'm learning RSL myself so I could be wrong, but I think checking VOPS and reading the shader code in SHOP nodes helps on the transition.
Hey Alan thanks for the reply.I found this in the latest online help [] , it should be of some use. If you fancy sharing info let me know

Well I dont seem to be having much luck with houdini.A simple constant shader works fine in the scene but when I try and re open the scene I get errors.
What is the workflow for creating scripted shaders ?
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