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Full Version: Will we ever see a type of Houdini Foundation app??
Root » Houdini Lounge » Will we ever see a type of Houdini Foundation app??
Hi Guys,

Maybe being a little cheeky, but I wonder will we ever see a Houdini Foundation type app at around the same price point as XSI Foundation? [] - $495

Just to chuck it out there and get hammered in the process

I have the HD edition and am enjoying the ride so far. I should stress that I realise the HD version is open and not watermarked, but is for PERSONAL Work only, not commercial.

There are currently no plans for a lower priced commercial product. Houdini Escape is our entry-level product and in that category.

What kind of commercial work do you do?
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply.

I should preface the following with - all the statements and opinions below are from the perspective of where I live in Ireland. I realise others may weigh in with a slight different opinion if they live in our Capital city - Dublin. Though I think I am on the money for most of this …

Its not what commercial work do I do, its a case of will do. I run a small Web Design / Internet company in Cork City Ireland . Unfortunately - when it comes to 3D and graphics here in this country the commercial audience is quiet conservative. If you go looking for 3D companys here - you will be hard pushed to find them - most work gets farmed out to the UK . Dublin is the center of the Universe in Ireland, everything gets sucked in to that city - even at that their is not a huge amount of 3D companies there.

Finally - education wise - their is not that many … no I should say none - when it comes to professional courses.

I realise you might say - aha an opportunity - I am saying the same, so with that in mind and having used 3D apps personally for the last few years - I am looking at and trying to setup these opportunities here in Cork. I have looked at basic training ideas in community school night courses and all that. Plus via web work trying to look for areas to insert 3D.

Anyway their you have it for the moment. Needless to say I have to keep going with the “conservative” stuff to keep the bread on the table, but I am continuously on the look out for 3D opportunities, though few and far here!

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