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Root » Houdini Lounge » What's the benefit in scripting with Python?
There are many ani packages supporting python script.
My question is:

What's the benefit in scripting with Python in H9?

Could someone provide your experience or opinion about it to me?

What's the benefit in scripting with Python in H9?

The benefit is that hscript - the *previous* scripting language - is deprecated and will not be extended to match new functions (?).

As python is supported by many applications you can use functions/libraries globally on your system. No need to implement the same stuff over and over again.
is there a good tutorial you can recommend on how to use python with houdini ? thanks.
All you need to know on a beginning is in docs. Look on a page about HOM. From that it's just a matter of docstrings and classes reference - still not complete I'm afraid.


BTW I really like a doc page about HOM. I looks like a developer's nodes about his work but surprisingly it works! I simply enjoy reading it more than the official help .
is there a good tutorial you can recommend on how to use python with houdini ? thanks.

There is the “python cookbook” in the help of 9.1
What exactly do you want to script?

Here's an example how to create a PythonSOP - which I wrote some time ago: []

What's the benefit in scripting with Python in H9?

The benefit is that hscript - the *previous* scripting language - is deprecated and will not be extended to match new functions (?).
Well, that and the fact that programming/scripting in hscript is insane/painful when you try to do anything even remotely complicated, and in Python it's easy.
Georg. Thanks for your tutorial.

It looks great for me to know how Python help us to work.
I love your tutorial!!
You're amazing. Thanks.

Your discussion is really helpful.
Thank you, guys.
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