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Someone could explain how I can make a composition of two or more capture layer and what kind of composition I can do (additive, subtrative or override)

The CaptureLayerPaint SOP always does the equivalent of an “over” compositing operation. Usually, you can just chain them together and paint.

Each one also generates a pCaptAlpha attribute that be used to fine tune blending among different CaptureLayerPaint's if desired using the AttribComposite SOP. Enable the Detail, Primitives, and Points parameters on the Attributes tab. For the Alpha Attribute parameter, choose pCaptAlpha.
Hi edward

Thanks for your explanation.

I'm a newbie, so, could you tell me where I can find the pCaptAlpha attribute?

Thanks a lot
the pCaptAlpha attibute is created by the capture layer paint SOP
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