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Full Version: Autorig Muscle and Capture Region question
Root » Houdini Lounge » Autorig Muscle and Capture Region question
After spent a lot of time weighting my character I found that the muscles were in the wrong place, someone can tell me how can I fix this?

I want to move the muscles to better place or change the capture region but I don´t know do that how do that in Autorig.

Digging the Deform rig network I can see the muscles and the capture region mas I can´t do nothing with them, someone can help me?

I would like to know too, How can I add muscles in my characther that have already be captured.

Thanks in advance
You modify your muscles in the Deform rig then return to the Autorig and
Modify the Scene Rig
My problem is that I don´t know how modify the muscles in the Deform rig, I can see them but I can´t select them in the scene view, do you how can I do that?

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