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FBX works perfectly
i had crashes also with Bone-Animation import, but with Joints works just fantastic
Here's a little video demo Download (right click save): []
many thanks SESI
was there supposed to be sound? I'm not hearing any
FBX works perfectly
many thanks SESI
You're very welcome.
It's an honour to be of service.

i had crashes also with Bone-Animation import, but with Joints works just
Is there any chance you could share or send me this file so I can look into the crashes and fix them? Or an equivalent simple one with bones that also crashes?

It would help make FBX import more stable and mature for others, as well, and would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a little video demo Download (right click save):
Forgot to mention: if you download the latest build of Houdini (anything >= 9.1.138), it should also include skinning in it, which might be helpful in your case.
sorry, its without sound
Thanks for all your hard work, really appreciate it
you've got pm
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