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Full Version: fbx bug?:fbx imported operator missing some of the options
Root » Houdini Lounge » fbx bug?:fbx imported operator missing some of the options
Hi ,
I have noticed that file imported via FBX importer doesn't have all the option as default geometry operator.In the render option tab of FBX imported operator , there is only a display option box!I can't also apply light linking in any of the FBX imported operator too.Am I going crazy?
There is also a silly bug where the mouse pointer will turn into clock mode forever.
houdini version
9.1.141. (apprentice HDversion)
windows 32bit
I have noticed that file imported via FBX importer doesn't have all the option as default geometry operator.In the render option tab of FBX imported operator , there is only a display option box!I can't also apply light linking in any of the FBX imported operator too.Am I going crazy?
Nope, you're not going crazy, it's definitely a bug.
This should be fixed starting with tomorrow's build ( 9.1.144 and later).

There is also a silly bug where the mouse pointer will turn into clock mode forever.
I think this a known issue, so you're not alone.
I'm pretty sure it's logged in our bug database.
many thanks.
FBX support is definitely gonna make a lot of xyz software users happy!
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