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Full Version: accessing geo attributes in DOPs
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I posted this about 6 months ago, and now have forgotten how to do it. Can someone refresh my memory please?

How do I access an attribute which I have on my geometry in DOP's? If I go to the details view I can view the attributes but I can't seem to access them with dopfield et al as there are too many tokens in the dopfield expression. E.g.

My attribute lives at:-


'source' being the attribute name. The dopfield expression takes extra tokens expecting the field you are trying to access to be in a deeper nesting. E.g.:-


I have tried dopoption also but no joy. Any ideas?



P.S. Still using 8.2.66 guys…!
For accessing geometry, just use the SOP expression functions like point, prim, etc. Something like:
point(“ /obj/bridge_break:chunk1_0/Geometry”, ptnum, “Source”, index)

All expression functions for accessing geometry accept DOP Geometry data in place of a SOP path.

Aha! Except volume queries against DOP fields, like volumesample(), etc
Oh ho! But I only said these queries work against Geometry data in DOPs, not Field Data!

Hmm…I thought it might be something like that and actually tried it. Maybe I had some syntax wrong somewhere. It stands to reason that it would work though. I'll give it another whirl.

Thanks guys…
Damn you, Mark.
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